Another memory I would like to share is one of Grampa with my eldest daughter Jordyn when she was going through the mine stage. She decided to argue with grampa about his stuffed animals in thier trailer claiming they were hers, I was just outside having a smoke with my brother. I was about to butt out my smoke and go in to deal with her, stopped dead in my tracks and turned white looked at my brother who I think also turned white. Grampa let loose with his stern tone, I just simply looked at my brother and said shes on her own now cause I wasn't going to go into that trailer to save her. As loving and gentle as grampa was once he was pushed too far that foot came down and by golly you knew it was in your best interests to listen and respect him, they don't make them that way anymore but grampa will live on within me and everyone else who knew and loved him as much as I do.
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