
This page contains information on shipping cremated remains from Canada to Liechtenstein. These rules are set by the Consulate General of Switzerland who handle the consulate affairs for Liechtenstein in Canada.  We have provided their contact information below. The cost of a shipment from Canada to Liechtenstein is determined by the funeral home fees for handling the arrangements and the fees set by the consulate. Please call or request a quote for exact pricing information.

Shipping of Cremated Remains (urn) to Liechtenstein

  • Letter of non-contraband
  • Certificate of Cremation
  • Official Death Certificate from Vital Statistics of Alberta
  • Burial Permit

Consulate Contact

The Consulate General of Switzerland handles consulate affairs for Liechtenstein in Canada
790, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1; 604-684-2231;;
NO consular involvement required

Can we mail the urn?


Please enter the numbers and letters you see in the image. Note that the case of the letters entered matters.*: