
This page contains information on shipping cremated remains from Canada to Scotland. These rules are set by the Consulate of Scotland.  The cost of a shipment from Canada to Scotland is determined by the funeral home fees for handling the arrangements and the fees set by the Scotland consulate. Please call or request a quote for exact pricing information.

Shipping Of Cremated Remains To Scotland

  • Declaration of Contents from the funeral home
  • Certificate of Cremation from the Crematorium
  • Funeral Director Statement of Death
  • Burial Permit
  • If flying with the cremated remains, an approved urn to go through security or a temporary plastic urn

Shipping Of Human Remains To Scotland

Containers required:

  • Hermetically sealed meter liner (either with a glass window or all metal top) inside a family chosen casket or temporary wooden shipping container.

Documentation required:

  • Funeral Director Statement of Death
  • Letter of Embalming from funeral home and Declaration of Contents on company letterhead
  • Burial Permit
  • Coroners’ Out of Province Certificate
  • Health Letter from Alberta Health Services confirming no contagious diseases
  • Name, address, and phone number of consignee
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