I was so very sorry to hear of Mr. Rudkin’s passing. It is a difficult time for family and friends so please know Jane that my thoughts are with you and your family. Although I never met Mr. Rudkin I so enjoyed hearing Jane’s amusing and loving stories about her father! Jane often mentioned that our fathers knew one another. I still have the pussywillows from the arrangement that Jane sent when my father passed away. So Jane I often think of you and will be as you celebrate your father’s incredible life.
Catherine Harradence
Fran and family,
Our sincere sympathys.
Ruth Grande
Our sincere sympathy to the Rudkin family in the passing of your patriarch. I never met Alan, but thoroughly enjoyed working for David for several years while he practiced in Mayerthorpe.
Joy and I send our condolences and deepest sympathy to Frances and family on Al’s passing. I met Al for the first time at the Calgary Zoo Educational Committee meetings in the late 1980’s. We had a lot of interesting discussions about the care of wildlife in captivity and the educational function of the Zoo. Al was very knowledgeable about wildlife, their habitat and how wildlife fits into the broader education of young children. Al was everyman’s naturalist and commanded a lot of respect from Zoo management and staff. I will surely miss Al for what he added to the quality of life around Calgary.
Myron Kirik
My sincere condolences to the Rudkin family. I remember several visits to your beautiful Springbank family home. While I only met Al a few times I heard many stories of his ongoing adventures from Jane, Bruce and David and know the respect and admiration they held for their father. May memories hold strong.
To Fran and Family – our sincere condolences and sypathy on the loss of Al – he was an unique individual and there will never be another Al – we will miss his many stories – he had a remakable memory – our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
We send our sympathy and kind regards to Fran and the rest of the family on Alan’s passing. He was fortunate to have achieved so much in his lifetime and will be missed by his Annuitant associates.
To Fran and family, our sincere sympathy at Al’s passing. Al was a great geologist and naturalist. I will miss his humour and the many golf games we had together.
Sandy & Joy we offer our condolences to the entire family. We will miss Alan.
Sandy and Joy Hutcheson
Al will leave a huge hole in all our lives. I first met Al on safari in Africa and his charisma was evident from the start. We served on the zoo board together for many years and he was always generous with his tremendous knowledge of business and science. I loved his stories and was honored to hear his presentation on his early days exploring the Canadian Arctic. Al was one of a kind and our world is a sadder place with his passing.
Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of Al. He and I worked together at Imperial Oil in the 1950’s and I always found him to be a gentle but strong geologist. The world is a better place because Al was part of our lives and the oil business in Western Canada.
David Stauft
Gary and I send our deepest condolences to the entire Family. Al was kind, generous and always interested in what we had to say and how we were doing in life. Although it has been several years since we last visited, the memories of our interactions still surface easily. He will be missed but not forgotten.
Tracey Ball and Gary Reynolds
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