una nuova stella arricchisce il firmamento, ci illumina e ci ispira come ha fatto in vita. Un abbracio a tutti nipote maria scigliano
Sinceramente addolorati per questa triste e spiacevole circostanza,Vi porgiamo le nostre piu’ sentite condoglianze e Vi offriamo tutto il nostro sostegno.Per sempre ricorderemo la grande tempra,il vigore invincibile,la suprema dignita’umana di Zio Pasquale
Quando una persona ci lascia, quando non è più qui e non possiamo più toccarla , o sentire la sua voce… sembra scomparsa per sempre. Ma un affetto sincero non morirà mai. Il ricordo delle persone che ci sono state care vivrà per sempre nei nostri cuori, più forte di qualsiasi abbraccio e più importante di qualsiasi parola.
– Non abbiamo la presunzione di dire che capiamo il vostro dolore. Ma vogliamo esservi vicini, per offrirvi tutta la nostra disponibilità, il nostro conforto ed il nostro affetto.virginia saverio giovanni giuseppe luigi belcastro giovanni audia
Quando una persona cara ci lascia,
non servono tante parole,
ma solo,
possiamo dirvi
che vi siamo vicini nell’immenso dolore
che ha toccato il vostro cuore.
Marianna Belcastro,(figlia di Teresa Scigliano),Nina Scigliano E famiglia
Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you All, Our Sincerest Condolences
Sam & Diane Granato
The Greco Family:
Our sincere condolences on the passing of Pete. We did not have the privilege of knowing him very well, but when we first moved into Varsity four years ago he was among the first of our new neighbours to greet us. Over those few years we enjoyed numerous chats ‘over the fence’. We will miss him
Bev Montgomery and Peter Morgan
Dear Frank, Susie and family.
I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I am leaving town tonight and will be unable to attend your Dad’s service. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Lyle, Anna and Nate also pass on their condolences.
Tom Anderson
Greco Family:
My deepest & most heartfelt condolences to all of you during this time of sorrow. May the memories of your husband, father & grandfather bring you strength & peace.
Our hearts go out to the Greco family at this most difficult time. We pray the love of God enfolds you during this journey of grief. We share comfort in knowing that Uncle Pat is no longer suffering but rejoicing in everlasting life.
Uncle Pat will be greatly missed.
Divina and Dominic Muto & Family
My deepest sympathy for the loss of your father, husband, and grandfather. Pasquale was a wonderful, gentle man and I know that he was very, very proud of his family.
He will be greatly missed by many.
Joyce Smith (Tetland)
To all the Santillo Family,
We are praying for peace,comfort, and strength in this difficult time for you and your family. Please accept our sincerest condolences.
Francesco Bartolillo & Family
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