Patti Richards
Thursday, September 8, 2011
My thoughts and condolences are with the family. I will remember Cheryl with fond memories and a lot of laughs.
Fred and Jeanette
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Cheryl. A very strong and beautiful lady, she had a zest for life and loved all her children and grand children. yes she will be missed by the many hearts that she touched along the way. our prayers and thoughts go out to you.
margo and ed gerard
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I am so sorry for the loss of a great mother and very good cousin who always made me feel welcome in her home, My thoughts are with you all and I will be at her funeral to say my goodbyes, my thoughts go to all of you kids and again I am so sorry .
All my love
Margo and Ed
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