fred/barb nels
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Dear Edie and Gale
So sorry to hear about auntie Irene’s passing.
She truly was a remarkable lady, we have good memories of visiting her and uncle Cliff in Bawlf.
Unfortunately we were unable to attend the funeral as we have just returned. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and yours
Love Fred and Barb
Karolee Kent
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dear Edie, Gale and family,
So sorry to hear of Aunt Irene’s passing. I have many fond memories of visits to her and Uncle Cliff’s farm as a child, and I will always be inspired by the fact that she found someone to love and marry at the age of 80. I am sorry I cannot attend her service and I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers,
Love Karolee
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