To David and all Halstead children
Please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of your mother Donalda. I remember her from our early days with much fondness. She was a good friend to all and a dedicated colleague. Her legacy to our community is highly are in my thoughts and prayers at this time. Warmest regards, Mairi Matheson
I never knew Donalda but her first husband, Bill, was my Dad’s first cousin. My brother David brought this obituary to my attention. She was obviously a remarkable woman. She will have inspired many young women to reach their full potential by her example. She will no doubt be missed by her family but she has left a great legacy. My condolences on her passing. Karen Pryznyk (nee Halstead)
We had some good times over the years in Winnipeg, Ponemah, Calgary and Thunder Bay. The hospitality was always terrific and many fond memories. Cousin Catherine
My Dear cousin Donalda is gone and will be missed by all who knew her. She was so full of fun and so very hospitable. We had many good times with her and Ken over the years. They both loved life and treated all with great respect. What good people. And so talented. A classy couple.
To all the family our deepest sympathy. Jim, Olga and family
To Donald, David, Carla and Dean. Please accept our sincerest condolences on the passing of your mother. Unfortunately we never met her, but her obituary clearly described a very talented, productive and loving woman. May your days be filled with good memories and the knowledge that many people support you in your time of sorrow.
David and Peggy Halstead Winnipeg
I attended Western in the late 70s, and, unusually, had Mrs. Hodgert as my teacher for each of English 10, 20 and 30. To the extent that I have been successful since, the grounding in English I received at her hands is one of the vital elements to which I freely give credit. Donna made a difference in my life, and so surely must have done so in countless others. I would hope that offers you some solace in your time of loss.
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