Marie, Stuart, Heather, Cheryl, Jill and families
I am sorry for your loss and will be thinking about you. I have such great memories of our childhood times together, especially the trip to Expo 67.
Dear Jill, Megan, Ross & Claire,
In this time of loss of father and grandfather, may it help to know that you, and all Jack’s family, are being thought of and upheld in prayer.
As well, the congregation of Trinity United Church, Shediac, extend their condolences with these and we will be including prayers for you in the Service tomorrow.
May God provide guidance, strength, comfort and journeying mercies to you all.
Roland & Anna
Dear Auntie Marie, Stuart, Heather, Cheryl, Jill and families,
We were very sorry to hear of Uncle Jack’s passing and we had planned to come to Calgary for the funeral today and bring Bill and Mary and Peggy. The roads up here were getting bad and we chickened out. Please know that we are all thinking of you and we have special memories of our times together. We were hoping to show our support for your family as you have always done for us. Our deepest sympathies and love…
Neil & Jean
To Marie and family:
My thoughts are with you all with the passing of your beloved husband and father. There are many happy memories I am sure.
Aunty Marie and family;
Warm and caring wishes are with you always.
Our sincere sympathy,
Ken and Julie
Aunt Marie and Family,
I am so sorry to hear of Uncle Jack’s passing. My love and thoughts are with your family during this difficult time.
Dear Aunt Marie and family
So sorry for your loss. All my memories of Jack and your family are wonderful ones. Uncle Jack will be remembered by all of us with love and gratitude – he gave so much just by being Jack,
Love to you all. My thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult time. Donna
To Marie and family on Jack’s passing:
Living across the street from the Harpers, and often hanging out at their house with Stuart and John, I saw a lot of Jack while growing up. I remember that he always seemed to have a smile on his face, remarkable in light of the chaos that reigned around him, thanks to his five kids and their ever-present pals. I think Jack’s smile came from his having made the discovery that living in the eye of a hurricane–being father to a bunch of rowdy kids, in other words–was the one true path to happiness.
I was surprised to learn that Jack had been in the Navy. I recall that he built a sailboat in his garage, and he once took a bunch of us kids sailing on Glenmore reservoir. None of us drowned, and the boat was seaworthy, so Jack obviously knew what he was doing.
I remember too a camping trip the Harpers took us on, all of us jammed into the back of the family (grey, Pontiac?) station wagon. Jack seemed unflappable as he drove this
rabble down the highway, and he maintained this unearthly calm–mostly–during the next couple of days at the campground.
Thanks for the memories, Jack, and I really hope I can meet up with Marie and the kids again some day soon.
Ron Starr
Dear Heather and family,
How sorry I was to hear of your Dad’s passing. I am so sorry not to be able to be with you to express this personally. May his memory be as a blessing to you.
Darlene and all the Switzer family
Aunt Marie, Stuart, Heather, Cheryl, Jill and families,
We were so sorry to hear of Uncle Jack’s passing. Weather permitting, we will see you on Saturday. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love Kathy and Daryl
Marie, both you and Jack were always very kind to me and for that I am grateful. I was very glad to have had the opportunity to sit and talk with Jack on his 85th birthday as our long talks were much rarer since I moved away from Mom and Dad’s home. The eagerness with which Jack seemed to want to speak with me always made me feel good about myself. I will miss him. Both Loretta and I send our love and our thoughts are with you.
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