Dopiero sie dowiedziałem, że Cię już nie ma. A przecież to tak niedawno, kiedy uczyliśmy się razem na Warszawiance grać w tenisa, paliliśmy pierwszego papierosa, wyjeżdżaliśmy na wakacyjne obozy organizowane przez firmę Twojego Taty. Te pierwsze doświadczenia są tak mocne, ta je dobrzez pamiętam, a to było tak dawno i tak daleko. Żegnaj przyjacielu, masz stałe miejsce w mojej pamięci, będę się modlił za Twoją duszę, chociaż nie jestem bardzo religijny. Kondolencje dla Rodziców
Kolega za szkoły podstawowej Krzysztof Pankowski, Warszawa
W lesie zostawiłam maleńki ślad tam, gdzie kiedyś ognisko ogrzewało nasze radosne twarze…
We were terribly grieved to hear that Ollie has passed away, it has affected us all deeply. He was a true gentleman and his presence will be very missed. Our prayers and thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
the Ultima Dental Team
To the Danielewski family
My sicererest condolences on the loss of Ollie. I had the pleasure of working with him at APEC and he was such a gentleman. He mentored many of the younger engineers with kind and clear direction, and I will never forget his lovely personality. May you find solace in the legacy he leaves behind.
Liane Medwick
I was one of closest friend of Oldek in secondary school in Warsaw. We spent vaccations, played guittar, and wanted to make it after nearby 35 years as he wrote me last year. I wanted to meet him last year in Warsaw (I’m living in Switzerland)…
He stays for ever in my mind.
My thoughts and prayers for Maria and Ewa and also for parents of Oldek also Olgierd and Natalia.
Specjalna modlitwe ofiaruje za Jego dusze w Swieta.
Darek Wozniak Zug / Warszawa
Droga Mario i Ewo
Najszczersze wyrazy wspolczucia w tak tragicznej dla Was chwili. Nasze mysli i modlitwy sa z Wami.
Malgosia i Rafal Jezierscy
May Allah (God) give you and your family a courage to bear this loss. Please accept my heartiest condolences on his sudden death.
Dear Maria, how shocked I was to learn of yours and Ewa’s loss. Please know that you are in my prayers. There are no words at this time that can bring you comfort but I do hope that one day you will find peace within you.
To the Family Of Olgierd Daneleski
Please accept our condolences and deepest sympathies on your tragic loss.
Your graciousness and hospitality will never be forgotten during our visit in your home during the ’88 Olympics. Ollie was such a great part of our enjoyment – it was a pleasure getting to know him.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and may your God, your family and your friends keep you during this most difficult time.
May God Bless you and your family.
With Sincere Best Wishes,
The Norris Family
Nancy, John, John G. Cinderella, Heath
Dear Mrs. Danielewski,
I was shocked when I learned about the death of “Ollie” last week. May I offer my sincere condolences to you on your loss of your husband and may we committ and commend you to the care and love of God that you and your daughter Ewa may find help, healing and solace in Him.
I first got to know Ollie at Tri-Ocean through Bob Yeomans. Ollie had qualities that I truly admire that of integrity, trust, honesty and friendship during tough times.
Whilst you have lost a husband and your life’s partner, I have lost a friend whom I respected and liked very much.
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as we bring before God the soul of Ollie on Monday.
Kindest, Bruce Cameron
My heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family. This has been a tremendous shock to us all.
Connie Nuttall
Maria & Eva
I cannot tell you how very saddened I was to hear about Olie. So very sorry. My thoughts are with you even though I am far away.
Love Brenda
Dear Maria and Ewa,
I am thinking of you both at this very difficult time. A little something someone gave me when I needed it.
Hope happens
…Hope is what happens when the pain eases a bit
And deep down inside, you find your true grit
Hope is what happens as long as we breathe
For although it takes time, the sorrow will leave.
Hope is what happens long after the pain
Hope is what happens-again and again.
Catherine DeVrye
My condolences to you and your family.
Maria, Ewa and family,
So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you both during this difficult time. Much love
Kerry and Joel
Droga Pani Mario i Ewo,
Kochani Natalio i Olgierdze,
Przesyłamy szczere wyrazy wspolczucia z powodu smierci Pani Meza,
a Waszego ukochanego Syna.
Ta tragiczna wiadomosc wstrzasneła nami do glebi. Swietej Pamieci Olgierda znalismy od wielu lat jako człowieka miłego i godnego zaufania, oddanego swojej Rodzinie.
Zdajemy sobie sprawe jaka to straszna strata dla Pani i Ewy, a zwlaszcza dla Rodzicow.
Zyczymy calej Rodzinie wiele sil, aby zniesc ten bol.
Myslami jestesmy z Wami i polecamy Sp. Olgierda w modlitwie.
Z wyrazami glebokiego szacunku,
Marysia i Rafal Komierowscy z rodzina
Laczymy sie z Wami w zalu i smutku
Zofia i Tadeusz Mizgajski
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. May you find peace and love in the memories you cherish.
I am so so sorry for your loss.
Kamilla Mizgajska
Our hearts go out to you at this difficult time! Please accept our sincere condolences! God bless! Paulina, Ilija and Emma Stankovski
Bardzo trudno wyrazic zal i bol po
stracie Kogos Kto odchodzi tak
Barbara i Andrzej Barbasiewicz
Mislami jestesmy z Wami
Trudno znalesc slowa zeby wyrazic co czujemy.
Laczymy sie z Wami w zalu
Malgorzata, Wlodek, Monica, Paulina.
Jesteśmy wstzaśnieci wiadomością
o Waszej tragedii….
Trudno nam wyrazić to co my czujemy….
Laczymy się z Wami w żalu
Lidia,Zygmunt Cieplinski,
Vancouver, 20 listopad, 2010
Our Condolences for your loss…..Jan and Maria Igras
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