I just found out, I knew him very well growing up in Calgary. He was a good friend and a great guy, always had the sport bag on the one shoulder and hair slicked back. God Rest His Soul.
Querida familia Yoc:
Su hijo ya esta gozando la vida eterna en el reino de Dios Padre donde ya no hay dolor ni problemas. Que Dios y la Virgen les den la fortaleza. La Comunidad Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe de Calgary esta con ustedes.
We cannot fathom the depth of your sadness, and we will remember you in our prayers.
Clyde & Debbie
Reciban mi mas sentido pesame en el nombre mio y de mi familia. Recordare a Wil como un gran amigo. Me ayudo mucho cuando yo estuve en una situacion dificil. Dejo un recuerdo muy profundo en todos los que trabajamos con el.
descansa en paz Wil.
I hope it helps to know that thoughts are with you at this difficult time. I also hope that your cherished memories will provide you with comfort and ease your sorrow.
With Deepest Sympathy
Familia Yoc,
Mis condolencias para Uds. Que dios les brinde la fe y tranquilidad que pronto se volveran a encontrar con su hermoso hijo/hermano. El fue y sera recordado con mucho cariño, pues tal nobleza y generosidad no es facil olvidar, menos cuando la llevaba un hombre como el y sientan orgullo de saber que el dejo el recuerdo mas precioso en la vida de toda aquella persona que el conocio.
Dios los bendiga y acompañe en su momento de dolor.
Will fue una gran persona. Mis oraciones estan con su Familia y sus seres querido, y que Dios los llene de mucha fortaleza y bediciones
Desde lo mas profundo de nuestros corazones reciban nuestras condolencias, Que Dios llene de mucha fortaleza sus corazones con la esperanza de que El ahora esta en un lugar lleno de luz y paz. Dios a recuperado a su Angel otra ves!!!
May His Peace be with you and perpetual light shine upon you. RIP
Wil….. You were and still are one of the most caring and forgiving individuals I have ever known. You are going to be truly missed by all the lives that you touched.
Family members, friends, co-workers, and all acquaintances…. Lets rejoice in the Lord, for Wil is in his house now and at eternal peace. Celebrate his life by sharing memories, stories and achievements for he was a true inspiration to many.
Our prayers are with you, and your family..
Carlos and Shannon
We were all blessed to have had Wil in our lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with Allison and Wil’s family.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you, and your family at such a sad and painful time. Rest in Peace Wil…..
Pamela & Guy
Our thoughts are with you and your families at this time. Wil is at peace now.
Michelle and Jay
I have known Wil for many years, I had the privilage of not only working with him but being his friend as well.
Wil was one of the kindest people I have ever met, he was always wearing a smile that seemed to be contagious and had the ability to make those around him laugh.
He will be missed by all who have been lucky enough to know him…
Wilfredo fue una persona muy noble y muy especial. Siempre hera tan dulce y tan feliz. El esta descansando en el cielo en los brazos de Dios. Nuestras oraciones estan con su Esposa y su Familia. Que Dios los bendiga
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