S/L Liggett was my mutual partner when we went through the T-33 instructor’s course in Portage la Prairie in 1959. We were both transferred to Gimli where he was promoted and became our Wing Commander Flying. He was a great pilot and an outstanding officer. Both Bev and I will miss he and Marg. May God bless those he left behind.
Lloyd was my Squadron Commander(414} in Germany during the mid 50’s.
He was not only a great commander but a real gentleman. I have nothing but great memories of my time on Squadron with him.
My sympathies to all the family.
S/Liggett was my Squadron Commander on 414 squadron, Baden,Germany. I have many good memories of serving under S/L Liggett both in Germany and later at Gimli.
I extend my condolences to the family of S/L Liggett
I extend my sincere condolences to the sons of Lloyd Liggett and their families. He was Commanding Officer of 414 Squadron in Germany when I was a pilot on that unit in 1956. Lloyd was an excellent leader and a fine gentleman, and I value highly the time I served under him.
Dear Brian, Gail & Family
We are so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call.
Deb & Greg Bosley
To Lloyd and Marg Liggett’s sons —
in most loving memory of Lloyd and Marg, two of the most charming friends of ours in the RCAF, especiallly overseas on Sabres during the great days of the 50s!!!!
Don and Marjorie Laidler
I was a very young fighter pilot on Lloyd’s squadron (414) in Baden Soellingen, Germany in the early fifties. I married my late wife, Shirley, while stationed there and he was kind enough to serve as her surrogate father for the ceremony. He was a warm and thoughtful man and I have always admired him greatly. A first rate squadron commander and a true gentleman.
My deepest sympathies to your family.
Dear Bill, Bob, Brian and families. .
We are sorry to hear that Uncle LLoyd has passed away. We are unable to attend the service but we will be thinking of all of you and extend our condolances at this time.
With love
Mervin and Beverley Brandon
Dear Brian and Gail and other members of the family: Though you have been expecting your father to surrender to death, it is still brings sorrow. We offer our sympathies and condolonence and pray that the Lord may bring you and all yours comfort at this time. We have fond memories of Lloyd from Calgary South Rotary when he used to come to meetings, now some years ago. Peter Penner
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