Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Winnipeg Jagger Family – Florence (sister), Ted & Ann (nephew & wife), Marion (widow of nephew Bob) and Eleanor (in Vernon, BC) send our heartfelt condolences to both Brenda and Laurie on the passing of Lillian – a very loved sister.
Jim & Kay Hendry
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Dear Brenda and Ken;
We have just learned of the passing of your dear mother. We send you our love and sympathy, we regret we are unable to attend the service of Lillian, and we are so sorry for her suffering. She missed her Innes and her home so much and we know you will miss her very much. The love towards our mothers never die, they are always with us in spirit.
May God bless you and bring you healing and strength during these times of grief.
With Love,
Jim & Kay
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