Sorry for your loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family today. Our memories of Walter were always fond ones. He will be missed by all who knew him.
My memories of Walter are those of his great love of knowledge in so many spheres he was inspirational in his eclectic interests
We shared a love of music and the outdoors
but what I remember most is his generousity, especially toward my son Kristofor on his first venture from his home in Ireland Walter was his Canadian Dad
My thoughts are with you Elaine Michael David and Kevin
Sincerely Elaine Chmilar
Dear Elaine and family,
Please accept my condolences for the loss of your wonderful Walter. Walter was the neighbour to my husband, Robert, (who passed away earlier this month) at the Southwood Hospice. I always enjoyed sitting with Walter and Robert at lunch and sneaking extra desserts for him. Walter would never ask for more sweets, but he always ate every bite while telling me about his family. I will always have sweet memories of him.
Personal regards,
Shelley Lebert
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