.dragi kume Mičo ikuma Ljuba brača i sestra od Branka
nevjerovatno me pretresla ova strana kad sam ugledao obituary za vašeg Branka pa kako je to moguće ? zar Branko?, prvi put sam ga ugledao krajem1964kad sam sa mamom došao u Calgary..igrao se ljepo sam gore na hodniku dok su Nik Danny i Tony zabavljali mene.Kasnije ste svi koji put dolazili nama u posjetu…branko je ćesto nosio u rukama karte…Uistinu,cijela familija ste nam bili najdraži i puno pomagali.a Branka i vas svih neču nikada zaboraviti..Istinito saučešće familiji Čondićprimite od Frenka i familije u Sloveniji
Dragi Stric Mice i Strina Ljuba
Please accept our sincere condolences. Our prayers and deepest sorrows go out to Branko.
Peter, Romy and Family.
Dragi stric Miće i strina Ljuba
Primite naše saučešće.
Počivao u miru Božjem.
Nevjesta Trusa i rođak Petar Cico s obitelji
Dear family Condic,
Our most sincere sympathy for the loss of Branko.
May God bless always.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
Marija & Ivan Bosnjak and family
Stric Mice, Strina and family.
Accept our deepest sympathy on the loss of your son, brother and uncle. Branko fought endless battles with grace dignity and a ready smile. May his courage be an inspiration to us all. Rest in peace cousin and enjoy enteral life.
Ante, Zdravka and family
Please accept our sincere condolences. Branko will be deeply missed and will be in our prayers.
Robert, Marija and Family.
Dear Family Condic,
Our sincere condolences on the loss of your dear son Branko – God bless
Annie Novosel & Family
Our sincere condolences to our grandparents and uncles.
Rest in peace, Uncle Branko.
From your nephew Neven Colak and niece Vesna Marcinkovic
Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of your son, brother and uncle Branko.
God bless!
Luci Jerkovic (nee Mustapic) and family
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