Dear Heather, Tad, Marc, Andrew, Curtis and friends of Barrie, please accept our heartfelt condolences. Barrie was a dearly loved cousin who will be missed very much. Although we did not see each other often we have fond memories that will last forever. We always enjoyed hearing Barrie talk about his love and involvement with motor sports.
Hugs and much love to you all,
Annlyn, Phil and family
Barrie, I have great memories of working with you at the University. I will miss our occasional chats on F1 racing and like many, will fondly remember you for your love of motor sport.
Barrie, I met you as a young fresh wet behind the ears kid when I first started work at the University. You were always great to talk to about racing and other topics that came up. You will be missed.
Heather, please accept my sincerest condolences to you and ‘your men’…
What a shock it was to hear about Barrie’s death…A friend from “Wednesday Girl’s Day” let me know.
We miss your Mom so much.
Hugs, Esther.
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