Just read the sad news, I’m sorry to learn of Bob’s passing. I just saw him, seems like the other day. I, and others knew him from the Point & Feather playing trivia games.
Dear Rita and Donna,
We just heard this morning about Bob’s passing and are both shocked and saddened. We have so many good memories of fun times with Bob, all the sailing trips, our trip to Alaska, fishing, sitting around a campfire and sailing our boat at Chestermere. He was a wonderful friend and we are so sad that we lost touch with him after moving down to Fort Macleod. We would appreciate hearing how Bob’s last few years were and also how you and Donna are doing. We were just looking at pictures a couple of days ago and we sure have lots of Bob. Bob stood up for us when we were married and was a good friend. Please let us know if it’s okay to stop in or call you some time to talk. Our number is 403-553-0211 or send us an e-mail or note. Our address is Box 2655, Fort Macleod-T0L 0Z0.
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