To the Kunelius Family – Please accept our sincerest condolences on the loss of your mother. She was a bright, vibrant lady who contributed so much to education throughout her life. I worked with her on the Teacher’s Convention committee for many years and enjoyed her sense of humour and passion for detail. Both of your parents were dedicated educators and did so much for the improvement of education in Alberta.
Terry Allen
Some people leave a trail of light as they go through life. Your mother was one. I was fortunate to have been taught by your mother at Balmoral Jr. High for three years ending in June, 1966. She was a superb teacher and contributed greatly to the quality of the outstanding academic programmes offered while I attended the school. I understand that her legacy continued on long after I moved on to high school. She would never have known that her influence affected me permanently and she would have likewise enlightened multitudes of students in her career.
Our lives indirectly crossed years later when I discovered that my new wife’s parents had known your mom and dad in the Edmonton area, again through connections in teaching and that Dad had worked with your father. Mom and Dad thought very highly of your parents.
Your mother was a gifted teacher and I remember her fondly. I’m only sorry that I didn’t make contact with her later when I had the opportunity to do so.
Rob Whitworth,
Joyce, Karen, Kathryn and Rick ,
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. It was a great pleasure getting to know Pearl. She was a joy and a blessing and a true teacher. She was an a wonderful person. l will miss her
Joyce, Ingrid, Karen and Rick
I remember your family fondly. You visited often when I lived near Willingdon and I know your mom and dad visited my parents- your Uncle Tom- in Edmonton many times. My mom and dad thought so highly of your parents and I remember their kindness to me.
Aging can be difficult as I am sure it was for your mom- perhaps she is at rest now.
All the very best
Loretta Shobe(Zaharichuk)
I taught with Pearl at Colonel Walker School in Calgary in the 1959-60 school year. I remember her well. She was something of a mentor for me, new to the school and to Calgary.
Although many years have passed since our association, I have never forgotten her. Please accept my sincere regret at her passing. I am glad that she lived to a ripe old age.
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