So sorry for your loss.
It is now Jan. 2013 and unbelievably came across Agnes’ obituary while researching Moodie family genealogy.
I have fond memories of Agnes from an oil painting class in Deux Montagnes back in the early 1990’s. She was a lovely painter. I was just thinking about her the other day.
Cindy Potter from Oka, Quebec
Dearest Sandra, Bryan, Viddy and Suzie,
I am so sad to hear of your loss. Our deepest sympathy from everyone at home in Toronto. I’m home for a few days to be with my loved ones. Have such great memories of my few visits to Deux Montagne……Your family is very special and you made a great impact on me. Would love to hear from Viddy!
Lots of love,
Hello Brian and your sisters Sandra Susie and Moggy, my condolences. It is by mistake I found out, I used to meet your dad at Blue Bonnets. Such is life as we realize, we are now older, hope to see you guys sometime. You are an educated and smart bunch.
Rasheed (now Toronto)
(four-roads Junction)
Dear Sandra,Bryan,Viddy &Suzan,
Please accept our deepest sympathy on the loss of your mom.We are very sorry we will not be there for the funeral.Please accept our regrets.
We will miss her very much, not only as a goodfriend for many, many years but also as almost family. We pray that she will rest in peace and live in our memory as the kind, loving and gentle person she was.
We pray that each one of you will be able to move ahead with your life and be there for each other always.
Gloria & Patrick Hosein and Family.
Dear Susan and family, Dennis and I will miss our over the fence visits with Agnes. We joined the sounds of her piano playing which was calming to our day. She will be greatly missed. Our condoleces to the family.
Dear Sandra, Viddy and Susan
We are very sorry for your loss. We have such great memories of our families being together in Deux Montagne and up at the cottage. Auntie Agnes and Uncle Percy’s have made a big difference and impression on our lives and those of our children and we are grateful for those wonderful years.
Laurie feels fortunate to have seen Auntie Agnes when she last visited Sis…We will miss her.
The girls all send their love and sympathy. Keep strong
Love Robin, Laurie and family
Wanda, we are so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. Our deepest sympathies and warm concern are with you and your family during this difficult time. We will be in touch soon. Love Rachelle and Clarence.
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