Glenn will be greatly missed by our entire family.
He was a very special man and we will forever be grateful for his hard work and dedication to his job.
We will never find another like him.
Deepest sympathy to all his family.
My deepest sympathies to all of Glenn’s family. Cherish all your memories.
I was very happy to have visited with my cousin Glenn a year ago on August 30, 2008. We talked about old times and about what each of us has been doing.
Hey Glenn…You came from the Great Heart and to the Great Heart you will go. You will always live on in my heart…
I have examined the strange thought we call “death”. There was a time before I was born when no one knew I existed. So now I live this life. And someday this mortal frame I use to walk and talk will fade away. In a century or two many of those who continue my life’s blood will not know who I was.
It seems to me everything in this world has its time and then dissolves and fades away. The homes we build, the cars we drive- all things dissolve into the dust. A tree, a river, and a mountain all have their time- they all change from one form into another. I think that in a way we are living in a dream. When we are done the dream we wake up.
We did not come from nothing, but from Something far greater.
For me…. the shining smiling face is the sacred mystical symbol and quest of all the ages. The Being within the center of the circle without beginning or end radiates unconditional pure redeeming Love endlessly to all spaces.
Bryan Bradley Brost :-)
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