Sherry. Please accept our condolences
on your loss of Al. I always looked forward to seeing him and appreciated his great sense of humour and attitude.
He had a great soul and will be missed in our world. Thankyou for the opportunity to have shared part of his life…… Don and Kathleen
I was greatly saddened to hear of the sudden death of Al. I met Al early in his career at Sclumberger and we had a strong business relationship for many years thereafter. In recent years, it has been a pleasure visiting with Al and Sherolyn on occasion at CPO concerts.
Arthur Burchnall
It is with sadness to learn of Al’s death. My association with Al dates back the years when Al worked for Schlumberger, I worked for a comepetitor. Al was always respectful and friendly. My condolences go out to the family.
We’re very sorry to hear of the passing of a great soul that will be missed. Had many good laughs with Albert while working in the Oil Industry, always enjoyed being in his company and will have many good memories.
Walter & Bev Latour, Yukon
Sherolyn and family,
I am very sorry to hear of Al’s passing. I pass on my condolances. I worked for Al for almost seven years and always enjoyed every minute of it. He taught me a lot and I had the upmost respect and admiration for him. I had not seen Al for about a year, however I called him about three weeks ago and we had a very nice chat, it was the same old Al I have known for 24 years. I will miss and remember him.
To Sherolyn and family, On behalf of the Stampede City Model A Club and fellow Model A enthusiasts please accept our condolances and sympathy on the loss of Al. He always had a smile and will be remembered by us all.
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