Obituary of de Bruyn
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Gysbert (Bert) de Bruyn, in his 88th year, on Saturday, January 3, 2009.
Bert was born on October 24, 1921 in The Netherlands. He married Jeannette in Holland and together they immigrated to Canada in 1952. Bert worked as an accountant for Hudson’s Bay Oil and Gas in Calgary for many years. He was well respected for his strong work ethic, integrity and ability to work well with others.
Bert is fondly remembered by his five children, Eric (Barb), Roland (Wendy), Victor (Anne Marie), Annette (David Lane), and Marlette (Brian Reed); as well as by seven grandchildren, Sarah, Lisa, Cheryl, Julia, Christopher, Curtis, and Jon; and five great-grandchildren. Bert was predeceased by his wife of fifty-four years, Jeannette in 2005; his grandson Jack; as well as two brothers in Holland.
A Celebration of Bert’s Life will be held at McINNIS & HOLLOWAY’S Chapel of the Bells (2720 Centre Street North) on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 2:30 p.m, with Chaplain Marlette Reed officiating. Forward condolences through If friends and family so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Agapé Hospice, 1302 – 8 Avenue N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1B8 Telephone: (403) 282-6588, We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to Kevin Green and his staff at Hillcrest Extendicare for the wonderful care Dad received in the past four months.
In living memory of Gysbert de Bruyn, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES, Chapel of the Bells, 2720 CENTRE STREET NORTH Telephone: (403) 276-2296.
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