Obituary of Cornelia Corry Schreuder
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of our mother and Oma, Corry Schreuder. Corry earned her wings long ago and she finally received them at 5:50 a.m Saturday, November 3, 2007, as she passed away with grace and dignity, surrounded by the love of her family.
Corry has now risen to be with the Lord and those who passed before her, to watch over her loving family from heaven free from all pain. Left behind to remember her are her children, Brian (Christine) Schreuder, Kendra Brands, Randy Schreuder (Lisa Lanctot); her cherished grandchildren Lia Brands, Aiden and Caitlyn Schreuder.
Funeral Services will be held at Foothills Alliance Church (333 Edgepark Blvd. N.W.) on Friday, November 9, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. Forward condolences through If friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Arthritis Society, #200, 1301 – 8 Street S.W., Calgary, AB T2R 1B7 Telephone: (403) 228-2571 or 1 (800) 321-1433. or to the Canadian Cancer Society, 215 – 12 Avenue S.E., Calgary, AB T2G 1A2 Telephone: (403) 205-3966, email or to the Agapé Hospice, 1302 – 8 Avenue N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1B8 Telephone: (403) 282-6588. Special thanks to her long-time friends Ethna and Mike Soroski, the Palliative homecare team, Emmanuel her loyal pharmacist, the people with the Hospice Calgary day program and the staff and volunteers of the Agapé Hospice. May she look upon us from her rocking chair in heaven and smile.
In living memory of Corry Schreuder, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES, Chapel of the Bells, 2720 CENTRE STREET NORTH Telephone: (403) 276-2296.
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