Obituary of Robert Boughton
With the Lord’s Blessing we announce the passing of our Father, Robert Boughton, on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at the age of 78 years. Robert passed away at the Rockyview Hospital surrounded by the love of his family.
Robert is survived by his sons; Patrick (Linda), Philip, his daughter; Dianne, daughters-in-law; Doreen and Debbie, his four brothers; George, Donnie, Ben and Chuck (Mary), his sister; June Power, and in-laws; Muriel Boughton, Gerry and Judy Hanson, Dennis and Deenie Clausen, Joyce Kirkeby and Ron Winkalaar. Robert is also survived by his thirteen grandchildren, Jason, Timothy, Carrie, Chris, Jackie, Lori, Jean-Paul, Shirley, Sarah, Amber, Russell, Randy and Shaunna, twenty-one great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Robert was predeceased by his wife, Shirley; his daughter, Cheryl, his three sons, Brian, Michael and Terry; and his two grandsons, Robert and Michael Jr.
A Celebration of Robert Boughton life will be held at the Bowness Legion, #238, Upstairs (138 Bowness Centre N.W.) on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 3:00-6:00 p.m. Forward condolences through
In living memory of Robert Boughton Sr. a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES, Crowfoot Chapel, 82 CROWFOOT CIRCLE N.W. Telephone: (403) 241-0044.
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