Dorothy Banyai

Obituary of Dorothy Ruth Banyai

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our Mother, Grandma and friend on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at the age of 82 years. Dorothy was born in Winnipeg, MB on January 6, 1925. At 82 years of age, Dorothy was full of energy, shared an upbeat attitude, and possessed a great sense of humour. Artistically inclined, she attended Calligraphy and watercolour classes at Kirby Centre for years, making friends for life that included the teachers. Dorothy also treasured her visits to the zoo to see the new baby animals, birds and flowers; often breaking to share a homemade picnic. Among her many other loves were the Toronto Blue Jays, the Calgary Flames, Tiger Woods, Richard Gere, “dinner and a movie”, dancing, music and comedies. But above all, Dorothy enjoyed her garden of flowers and vegetables. Ever selfless and caring, she was always there for anyone. Dorothy’s greatest loves were her children and grandchildren. Everyone cherished her homemade birthday and Christmas cards which she had done to perfection. Dorothy leaves to mourn her son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Galina Vincent; her daughter and son-in-law, Val Vincent and Garth Bye; her grandchildren Cindy Vincent, Mitchell and Graham Langen; and her great-grandchildren Aura and Phoenix Vincent. Family Graveside Service will be held at Queen’s Park Cemetery to celebrate Dorothy’s life and to reunite her with Ross (her beau she lost several years ago). No doubt they’ve “Gone Fishing”. Forward condolences through In living memory of Dot Bányai, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES Park Memorial Chapel, 5008 ELBOW DRIVE S.W. Telephone: (403) 243-8200.
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