My deepest sympathy on the death of your father. I did have a wonderful meal with John at my sister’s home on Arbour Crest Drive,NW Calgary within the last five years, while I was visiting Mel Luciani, my sister.
I had not seen your father for a long time and it was wonderful to touch base once again. I do not know any of you, however, I will keep all of you in my heart and my prayer during this time of grieving.
Love and prayers,
Sister Frankie (Franklyn Ferguson)
Ken, Shannon, Damon, Selina, your families and the siblings and families of John: Michael and I offer our deepest sympathy to all of you. With Brent’s death so fresh you now have this loss to bear and it must be extremely hard for you. I have many happy memories of John and Theresa and their Christmas ‘newsletters’, (which John told me he wrote! ). Those letters were proudly and lovingly written with glowing accounts of the achievements of their children and then, their grandchildren. We pray that you find God’s comfort and strength in the coming days to see you through this sad time. Although not physically with you, John, Theresa and Brent are with you in spirit! Love & Prayers, Michael and Gemma (Nicholson/MacIntyre)
Words cannot express how sorry I was to hear of your fathers passing. He and I had a great chat a few months ago:) You’ve had a rough year, I hope knowing that many people have you in their thoughts and prayers will help you through this difficult time.
Love Brenda, Scott and Family
Uncle John was a very good friend and a special person to be around. We had many good laughs over years, had a few excellent suppers that he would make and just talked. I’ll miss him on my visits to Calgary. We are here for support anytime.
Claude & Cathy
Cher Ken, Cher Marino,
Toute notre amitié et sincère affection ainsi que toutes nos pensées pour vous accompagner en ce jour douloureux. Nous vous embrassons. Claire et Laure
Dearest Ken,
My father too passed away this summer and he was born in 1938 just like your father. I hope you will find hope and love in the embrace of all your loved ones and find a way to come to terms with the unavoidable sadness that the circle of life sometimes brings to us all. I have not had a chance to know your father but he must have been a wonderful person if you have taken after him. You are a great man Ken and you must have made him proud and happy. I am so sorry you had to go through so many troubles and sadness this year and I give you all my love in the hope you will find a way to smile while keeping the memory of your loved ones in your hearth.
With all our love,
Paola and Luca
Mi unisco al vostro dolore.
Un caloroso abbraccio a voi due.
I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss Damon. Thinking of you.
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