Victoria (Vickie)  NICOLL

Obituary of Victoria (Vickie) Lee NICOLL

January 4, 1989 – Halifax, Nova Scotia

March 26, 2020 – Calgary, Alberta

It is with heavy hearts and great sorrow we announce that our beautiful Victoria (Vickie) Lee Nicoll, beloved wife of Jason Yang, of Calgary, AB, lost her battle with cancer on Thursday, March 26, 2020. She was only 31 years old and a beacon of strength. Our world is a little darker without her light. 

Born in Halifax, NS, Victoria Lee was named after her two grandfathers, and grew up in Dartmouth, NS, where she spent most of her life, a true Eastcoaster with a deep love for her home. She attended Prince Andrews High School in Nova Scotia forging lifelong friendships, and Nova Scotia Community College, where she graduated with a diploma in Library Administration, a perfect fit for her love of knowledge and passion for books. She was well admired for her smarts and wit.

Sadly, Vickie was not new to the world of loss. Her father, Michael, passed away when she was very young and, just over a decade later, she lost her loving mother, Lynne. 

Vickie was very close to her mother, especially after the loss of her father. She would often share stories of her mom, and the family and friends she had back home. Vickie’s most treasured memories were of the travel adventures she embarked on with her mom. Her most loved and cherished was their trip to Scotland. Vickie loved all things Scottish, especially bagpipes. Oh, that woman and bagpipes! We cannot hear bagpipes without thinking of you, Vickie, always. 

Vickie was the essence of strength and grace. The losses she suffered did not break her. They made her stronger and blessed her in a heartbreakingly beautiful way to create her own family with those she loved in both Nova Scotia, and later in Calgary. When faced with loss, Vickie built anew. Her strength throughout her life was an inspiration to all of us. 

It was a few short years after the passing of her mom, Lynne, that Vickie packed up her life in Nova Scotia and made the trek across the country to Alberta in 2013. She left a piece of her heart back home, but Calgary would be where Vickie rebuilt her life and would meet Jason, the love of her life.

Vickie met Jason, and her sister, Jacquie, at the first company she worked for in Alberta. It was due to the fateful night planned by Jacquie (yes, she takes full credit, and these two would happily agree) that Vickie and Jason were brought together. The spark was there! No looking back after that. It would be all adventures and memories from that moment on. Jason and Vickie each grew together, made each other stronger and built their lives together, making a home for themselves. They shared a love that bonded them. No matter what life threw their way, they handled it together. Who would have thought “that company” would bring them all together? But the stars aligned that night for their love story. At work, Vickie was like a schoolgirl when she talked about Jason. It was so sweet! It was meant to be.

Jason proposed to Vickie at Lake Minnewanka on a sunny, yet snow covered day and, on January 4, 2020, Vickie’s 31st birthday, they were married. It was beautiful and simple, yet elegant. You could feel the love that day and see the love and happiness they shared. Vickie was radiating beauty and joy, and Jason was dapper and glowing with happiness. It was a true glimpse into their love. The celebration of love, everything aligned, planned in four days. It was perfect. 

Vickie will be remembered by colleagues and friends for her strong will to get things done and done correctly: no corners cut. She was intelligent and feisty, with a knack for getting things accomplished! She was never one to take no for an answer, whether at work or in life. Even after going on leave, she volunteered her time for school events and always answered questions with a willingness to help. She cared a great deal for the work she did. She had pride and poise and was ambitious and driven. Throughout her career, she was quick to move up and be promoted. She was truly admired by colleagues throughout. 

Vickie was also known fondly for her wit, sarcasm, and lovely sailor mouth, perhaps a little trucker! But don’t be fooled! She was a lady with poise, grace and dignity, a Mad Men style at work, and your best cheerleader and supporter. She had an energy of pure kindness and beauty, always caring deeply for those around her. 

Vickie would often joke she was an 80-year-old woman inside. She loved books and reading, from literature classics, to young adult, she loved a good book and no genre would be spared. She was highly creative, and loved to cross-stitch, knit, and bake. Oh yes, the baking! What couldn’t she do? She had a curious and inquisitive mind. Vickie loved Lexicon puzzles and crossword puzzles. She had a love for all things Nova Scotia, Scottish, and cats! She was talented beyond her years with a creative mind. Vickie loved to laugh and had an infinity for 80’s John Hughes’ movies, and her favourite song was “Twist and Shout” by The Beatles. She was always filled with Beatles trivia and fun facts; you would definitely want her on your trivia team. She enjoyed life and could often be found playing tag with her cats or having an afternoon tea and chat with her cuddly four-legged family members. She was pure, honest and kind. She was, and always will be, our Vickie.

Vickie loved to be physical and active. For so long you could find her in a gym or hiking in the mountains with Jason and friends. She pushed her limits and enjoyed her life; she was also your best fitness instructor. Although cut far too short, Vickie led a full and happy life. She accomplished a great deal in her short time here. She travelled the world with her mom, loved deeply and left us all with so many incredible memories. She was loved by many and loved those back. It never mattered how much time had passed between visits or chats, she always kept her loved ones in her heart and picked up right where they left off, as though no time had passed. She cared for and loved her friends and family with all her heart. This was always felt, and always will be. She genuinely touched many lives and we are gifted with those moments with her. 

Those lucky enough to know Vickie are truly the ones blessed in this life. She was fiercely independent, intelligent, strong, determined, beautiful inside and out, with a giant heart. She always put others first and cared for them without hesitation. Even in her time of need, she still thought of those around her first. Vickie was selfless and kind-hearted, always putting others before herself, she used her energy to make a positive impact on those around her. She was your number one cheerleader and believer, always there whenever you needed her. She was wonderfully and gloriously stubborn, truly a good thing, so very, very her! She was humorous and sarcastic, charismatic and kind, she really was as close to perfection as one young lady could be. Vickie was a bright light in our lives, and a deep void has been left behind. It is the memories we have that will keep her shining on in our hearts.

Vickie will be remembered for so much. How can one begin to recapitulate a person who touched so many lives? Her strength was incredible in all that she did and endured throughout her life. She was truly a beautiful soul and gift to those who met her. It was our honour to have known her. Vickie was a gift of friendship, love and devotion. Wherever she went, she left an impression. Vickie brought a great amount of joy and laughter into our lives. It was an honour for all of us to know such a beautiful soul. Thank you for always being you Vickie.

“Grief is the price we pay for love.” We love you. Although gone from here, we will feel you around us, in the beauty of hydrangeas, the warmth of the sun, in the rainbow after it rains, when a cardinal flies by, we will know it is you. We will treasure the memories we have of you. 

Her Nova Scotia Family: “To us and to Vickie, we were her Nova Scotia family. We lived by the ocean and she loved it here. In the summer she used to come swimming with us. She would always be the first one in and last one out of the water. We spent countless hours biking or just sitting talking and laughing in our garden. She loved our garden. Vickie was an incredible baker and made delicacies that were beyond delicious; the best Christmas gifts ever, as we would all say.

Vickie loved her wonderful husband Jason and best friend Jacquie. She loved Nova Scotia, her cats, the ocean, books, libraries, eating lobster and all things Scottish, especially bagpipes. 

Vickie had to overcome many difficulties in her young life, but she did this the same way she dealt with cancer, with true dignity and grace. Vickie was intelligence, beauty, innocence and kindness. She has left a void in our lives that no one can fill, and we will hold her in our hearts and remember and miss her always.”

Vickie is survived by her loving husband Jason; the family she made and loved in Nova Scotia and Alberta; her friends who she loved dearly; as well as her cats Cow and Charlie. Vickie was predeceased by her father, Michael Kenneth, her mother Mary Lynne, and cat Carousel.

Our dear Vickie, you will always be remembered, always loved, and forever with us.
'Till we meet again…

With the current restrictions on the size of gatherings allowed due to COVID-19, a private Funeral Service will be held.  Condolences, memories and photos may be shared and viewed on Vickie’s obituary at

In living memory of Victoria Lee Nicoll, a tree will be planted in the Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES, Crowfoot, 82 CROWFOOT CIRCLE NW, CALGARY, AB T3G 2T3, Telephone: 403-241-0044.

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Victoria (Vickie)