Our family spent a lot of time together with the Ladouceur family; mostly over Christmas and other holiday celebrations. I have so many good memories of those times. Joan and Clark had a traditional Christmas Eve open house at their home and a good time was had by all! Clark was the perfect host, as always. Clark's smile and joking manner always put you at ease. Clark will be missed by all of his friends and family. It was an honour to be able to a call him my uncle.
Uncle Clark was a favorite. He had such a warm presence and always a welcoming smile and laugh. I do remember, and my parents did remind me, of my fondness for seeing the whole family in Toronto at first and then on to Montreal. All memories of Clark are happiness and I will always be left with that vision.
Uncle Clark and Aunt Joan we’re our neighbours in Tillsonburg for many years. Since we lived across from the golf coarse Uncle Clark used to play at I would always collect golf balls for him and walk over to his house to give them to him, this was always received with some sort of candy and a hug, Uncle Clark was a big part of my childhood and I always loved going over to spend time with him.
I will always remember our trip to Fairmont Hot Springs in November of 2018. The antics we experienced in the hot springs pool was hilarious. Especially when Clark and I had to hold down my Mom (Jeannette) from floating away in the very buoyant water. We laughed and laughed. I will miss him. He holds a very special place in my heart. Sending love to you all.
He will live on the hearts of everyone who loved him. I am sorry for you and your family's loss, Diane.
Glynis Johnson
I used to love going to visit after getting off the school bus. Uncle Clark always snuck my siblings and I in the house for a treat while we were helping mom cut the lawn.
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