Bill and Jo have been and still are good friends to us and we have enjoyable memories with them and the family. Happy times to remember:
Sam's fourth birthday at Legoland in the rain, when I (dad) with Bill, used the hand driers in the toilets to warm ourselves by directing the hot air flow under our coats.
We have enjoyed theatre trips and overnight stays in Peterborough.
Being with you at dinner celebrations with Bill tucking into the 'disgusting food' which he ate with relish.
I remember that he had an idea at the swimming baths. 'He would make a record by swimming a length in two strokes. If any one tried to beat that he or she would have to do it with 'One Stroke' !
Grandsons in Canada will have their memories of running in full kit to 'Boot Camps' early in the morning (followed by Granddad in his car)
He is a fine man and father who showed a zest for life and knew there is a place for us with the Saviour in His Heavenly Kingdom.
With love to you all, Jo and the family.
From Ken Marian and Peter.
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