Dear Anthony & Jennifer: Your Mom had such a delightful spirit; she will truly be missed. My sincere condolences to the family. From God we come and to God we return.
Dear Anthony and Alicia, Jenny and Tony and Alexis and Vanessa, Your Mom and Grandma was a wonderful and very dear friend and someone that we will miss, but have been blessed by her thoughts and friendship over many years. Here are some thoughts that I will share with you: When a good woman dies, she is not gone; Her spirit has been freed to visit those that she cares for, Her wit and wisdom remain active as she talks with the young and whispers wistfully to all those who grieve. The world is alive with her contributions and all that she has become. So it is with our dear Yvonne. Her body tired, but her spirit lives on. Her quotes, now retired, but her voice lives on in our memories. Walk good dear Yvonne. With lots of love to all of you
Hoping your last visit here with family was everything you wanted before your transition to Haven. Love Tones
Rest in peace auntie yvonne. We had miles and lots of water between us but we were close. I was blessed being that daddy named me after you. Rosita is the name we shared and vonnie herd was his nickname for you. Anthony and Jennifer you were blessed with two great parents. May god continue to keep you both and your families safe at all times. Love from all of us here in clapham.
Dear Anthony and Jennifer, my deepest condolences for the loss of your mom! She was a remarkable lady and I still can't believe she is gone even though it has been few months! I just watched her memorial services and it brought back beautiful memories of her as she hosted those dinners for all of us grad students at your home! She was always welcoming, wanting to know us personally and always encouraging! As the years went by, I got to know her more closely and even after I left Calgary to live here. She alway talked with such pride about both of you, your spouses and your daughters Jennifer! Am sorry you had to lose both of your wonderful parents so close to each other! Praying for strength and grace as you grieve them
Dear Jennifer and Anthony, I was privileged to be one of the foreign students in Trevor's lab who experienced the warmth and hospitality of Yvonne. The gatherings hosted by her at her home in October and again in Christmas every year were memorable. The Christmas gatherings in particular were special to us, the foreign students, to experience "family gatherings" while we were far away from home. A special thanks to a special lady who will be always remembered fondly! From Prakash and Rathna
Always in my heart. Just as you lightened up the hearts of many and brought light where you went so you shinee bright among the heavens
We were sad to hear of Yvonne's passing, met both your parents at our friends who were their neighbors in Dalhousie, Calgary. I also had many occasions to meet up with Yvonne when I worked in the oil patch as she talked about her loving children with great pride and other occasional gatherings at our mutual friends in Dalhousie. I will always remember her infectious personality and smile. May she rest in peace.
Anthony - Sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. She was always friendly to me during our school days--plenty of good memories.
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