Leslie, we were saddened to hear this news. Lyall's obituary was passed on to us as while were recently in Canada for John's Dad's funeral. We have such wonderful memories of you both during our "youth group" days in Ft. Mac. What an honor to have had Lyall's and your love for Jesus and love for teenagers be such a shaping influence on us. We thank the Lord for all the Friday nights you gave up to be with us, pointing us to Christ, sharing laughter and tears!! We pray you will know the love and peace and strength of our Great God as grieve this terrible loss of husband, father and grandfather.
"For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Through HIM then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name." Hebrews 13:14-15
With much love and thanks and many memories,
John & Rhonda Currie
On behalf of our Palliative Care Team, our deepest condolences to Leslie, Alana, Ian, and extended family. It was truly an honor to have been involved in the care of Lyall, he touched the hearts of all he crossed paths with.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Eglee Gimon MD
My sincere condolences to you Leslie, Alana & Ian. Lyall was instrumental in my professional move as Associate Superintendent of HR for RVSD back in 2004. We had so many great memories of our time spent in Calgary. We were shocked to hear about his passing and we will certainly keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Paul & Sue
I met Lyall competitive shooting. He was always such a positive and happy person to be around. He will be missed. My condolences to his family!
I met Lyall when we both had started compettitve shooting. A real gentleman who made a point of saying hello and asking about your day. I dont think he ever let on that he had a tough day at the range but his laugh gave him away! He endevoured to help where ever he could, that was Lyall. His presence will be missed by all.
I met Lyall through his wife Leslie. She is a member of our photography group. Over the years Lyall became a wonderful friend and I cherished our time together. His laugh could clear a cloudy sky! I got him into the shooting sports and he was a natural. Lyall found the most happiness sharing his life and love with Leslie and their children and grandchildren. I will miss him dearly at our group get togethers. His wit and intelligence will remain forever in my heart and soul. My heart felt condolence's to Leslie and the entire family.
Eric Rose
Lyall was a gentleman and friend we will miss him dearly , our condolences go out to the entire family , Rob and Pam Logee
I want to express my sympathy to Leslie and family as well as all Lyall's friends for their loss. Lyall was one of my closest cousins as we grew up in the Edmonton area, and fooled around during Merner family gatherings. Glenn, Lyall and I made some memories. I remember Aunt Beulah proudly showing off Lyall's accordion abilities and his accordion school grad photos. Uncle Ken always had stories, about Lyall and Kitty Whiskers mostly. Although I lost touch with Lyall after we started our careers I often thought of him. From his biography it appears that we shared interests that I regret we did not enjoy together. His illness claimed him too quickly and far too young. All our best wishes to Leslie and family. - Roy and Shari Remus
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