So sorry to hear of Jim's passing. We hadn't seen Jim in the last three years but enjoyed meeting him for weekly turkey dinners at the Glenmore Inn prior to then. He was always so interesting and enjoyable to visit with. Have often thought about you and you will be missed Jim.
Martin and Norma Vredegoor
Rina, Dale and Murray! I was glad to have gotten to know and spend some time with you all and your dad! Happy hour, crib games and spending time with him. Our daily hugs, and chats in the morning while he waited to go in for his meals. His smile lite up a room. He never once had anything bad to say about anyone. My most favorite memory and messaging Rina to say that he finally went to the gym. The jiggle machine was his favorite and he would tell me how much his time had improved. You all and your dad have a very special place in my heart. I thank you for sharing these past 5 years with me.
Such a lovely man.. He is part of the neighborhood. Always there and always with THAT smile…
Go gently, good Sir.
Dear Rina, Murray,Dale and families, so sorry for the loss of you wonderful dad, Jim.In the good old days when we were young with our young children, we had wonderful visits in Calgary,us coming from Edmonton.Us adults would sit around talking while you kids had fun.Your mom and I did most of the taking because we both had quiet men, but when your dad told stories about his youth ,they were interesting stories, he had a interesting up bringing.In the Summer months when we visited, we had great meals with all fresh wonderful veggies from his garden, especially those tomatoes. He was so proud of his garden. Your dad certainly had a very green thumb. You are all going to miss him for a long time , especially at all the special occasions you shared with him. In all those pictures you posted Rina, your dad had such a big bright smile that said it all. Hope you all find peace in your hearts knowing he is now spending great times with your wonderful mom. God Bless, keep care of each other and keep in touch with me, love to hear from you. Love Aunty Mary.
Kind, patient, humble, tolerant, thoughtful, smart, loving, hard working, fun, generous..... just a few words i would use to describe this amazing man. He was a total gentleman, and was very kind to young me, who needed that father figure at a time in my life that was bumpy.. He saw the need, and quietly and so generously, stood in place for me. I will be eternally grateful for having the absolute privilege of having known him, and his lovely wife and kids. Say hi to Lou for me Jim, we sure miss you both.
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