While looking for my aunt and family in Canada I came across this message.
Unfortunately she recently passed away.
I would like to offer my condolences te my family for this loss.
My mother passed away in 2013 and I know they called each other regularly.
Kind regards.
Freek Campfens
She was the best Grandma I could have ever asked for. While I always felt deeply loved, it is only as an adult that I can look back and see the massive possitive impact she had on myself, my family, and everyone around her. I am sad for her passing, yet grateful to have had so much time with her over the years. I love you Grandma!
Art, Mary & Robert,
I have fond memories of Betty as I spent endless hours at the Fopma's house while Artio & I stumbled thru many school adventures from 1958 to 1970 .
I would like to share a couple of those memories. The first is the great 'Hamburgers & Fries' your mom would cook up for us whenever I had lunch there. The second is probably the highlight memory as I dented Betty's garage door when I failed to stop the 1968 Datsun 1000 in time. I believe that was the only day that Mrs. Fopma did not have a nice word to say to me. Artio and I headed off to school pretty quickly that morning.
Betty & Abe definitely left their mark on the world coupled with a legacy of children and grandchildren that will carry on the Fopma clan for generations to come.
Condolences to everyone in the Fopma family from the Straarup family.
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