I’ll always remember Patricia as neighbor and friend. Mother to those beautiful girls, we had fun at Their home camping out on mattresses Spread on the galería And Joseph with his wafateepoo which was suppose to defend us from any intruders. Lovely family great friends.
Grandma was always such a strong woman,p a leader and a nature lover. I am sorry that we didn't spend enough time together but the time we had will forever be etched in my life.
Sharing meals and going for long walks were magical times I will never forget.
Rest in Peace Grandma,
Much love.
What I appreciated was Patricia”s love of the outdoors. Fran and her family”s passion for hiking and cross country skiing in the Rockies opened up a whole new world for me. It helped me to become more courageous and adventurous. May Patricia find rest in an alpine meadow of flowers. Denise
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