Ching Hung (Victor) Ng

Obituary of Ching Hung (Victor) Ng

July 12, 1948 - Hong Kong, China

January 6, 2024 - Calgary, Alberta



吳清洪先生於一九四八年七月十二日在香港出世。 幼年隨家人在柬埔寨金邊生活。 青少年時期從金邊來港後就讀九龍塘中學,一九六四年三月二十九日在香港尖沙咀浸信會受浸, 參加尖沙嘴浸信會迦拿團,後來升錫安團,他喜歡唱歌,有着雄厚的男低音。 除在尖浸少年詩班事奉外,也參加青年歌唱團「伯利恆之聲」 常去學校、學生團契及其他教會等作音樂佈道。 清洪非常熱心向人傳講福音,帶領很多人去尖浸,其中包括羅榮發及張澍佳兩位弟兄,後來都成為牧師。


清洪八十年代同前妻移居加拿大多倫多,開辦公司,加入北約華人浸信會,兩人育有一女Melody Blessing Ng. 已婚嫁並育有一女 Sophie Blessing Lai.


清洪與現任太太王賀芳2010年於深圳相識,2016年在香港登記結婚,婚後居於中山市。 2020年清洪同太太移居卡城,後參加城西堂聚會至今。

清洪為人真誠熱情,身邊諸多好友。 青年時期在馮津牧師和尖浸的牧養下,有堅實深厚的信仰根基,和團契中的弟兄姊妹情誼深厚。 在傳福音方面他很有恩賜,並帶領多人信主。

清洪在最後的日子內心平安,有所準備。 在和朋友家人一一溫馨道別後,於二零二四年一月六日在卡城 Agape hospice 安息主懷。他的匆匆離別,家人和親友卻依依不捨,他的妻子王賀芳,多倫多女兒Melody,  女婿Jonathan Lai 及小外孫女Sophie; 在卡城的大哥大嫂,Daniel & Maureen, 二哥二嫂,George & May, 四妹和妺夫 Ng Hor Ming & Yip Chung Leung; 五妹和妹夫 Karen & Vinson 及一班姪,甥和散居中國,北美各地的親友,將會永遠懷念他。


Mr. Ching Hung Victor Ng (Victor) was born in Hong Kong on July 12,1948. As a kid, he lived with his family in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He returned to Hong Kong as a teenager and attended the Kowloon Tong Secondary School. On March 29, 1964, he was baptized at the Tsim Sha Tsui Baptist Church (TSTBC) in Hong Kong and joined the Cana Fellowship and then Zion Fellowship. He loved singing. In fact, he had a very rich bass tone. Besides serving in the TSTBC Youth Choir, he also participated in the youth singing group of the TSTBC called “The Voice of Bethlehem”. He often went to schools, student fellowships and other churches to give musical evangelical meetings. Victor was very passionate about preaching the gospel and led many people to the TSTBC, including two brothers in Christ: Law Wing Fat and Cheung Shui Kai, who later became pastors.


After he graduated from the Kowloon Tong Secondary School, Victor attended the business school at the Hong Kong Baptist University. Later, he studied in London, England, for four years, then returned to Hong Kong for work.


Victor moved to Toronto, ON with his ex-wife in the 1980s. He started a business and joined the North York Chinese Baptist Church. Their daughter, Melody Blessing Ng is now married and has a daughter of her own, Sophie Blessing Lai.


Throughout his life, Victor was very involved in his business. He had opened branches in Malaysia, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Hong Kong and Beijing.


In 2010, Victor met Hefang (Doreen) Wang in Shenzhen, China. They married in Hong Kong in 2016, and moved to Zhongshan City. In 2020, Victor and Doreen moved to Calgary, AB, attending Westside Calgary Chinese Alliance Church.


Victor’s sincere and enthusiastic character made him many friends. When he was young, he was under the pastoral care of Rev. John Fung and the TSTBC. Therefore, he developed a strong foundation on faith and a deep friendship with people in the fellowship. He was gifted in evangelism and had led many people to Christ.


In his final days, Victor was filled with peace and readily prepared for his new journey. After heartfelt farewells with friends and family, he peacefully passed away on Saturday, January 6, 2024, at Agape Hospice in Calgary.


Victor hastily departed, but he is deeply missed. He will forever be cherished in memories by his wife Doreen, daughter Melody, son-in-law Jonathan Lai, his granddaughter Sophie, and his siblings: Daniel and Maureen, George and May, Ng Hor Ming and Yip Chung Leung, Karen and Vinson; along with nieces, nephews, and many friends across China and North America.

If friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Agapé Hospice, (1302 - 8 Avenue N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1B8) Telephone: (403) 282-6588, or the Westside Calgary Chinese Alliance Church, (6600 Country Hills Blvd NW, Calgary, AB T3G 4H4) Telephone: (403) 239-2990.


Funeral Services will be held at McInnis & Holloway (Chapel of the Bells, 2720 Centre Street N, Calgary, AB T2E 2V6) on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Graveside Service to follow at Queen’s Park Mausoleum. Reception to follow at the China Palace Restaurant (6219 Centre St NW, Calgary, AB, T2K 3R4). Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared and viewed with Victor’s family here.


In living memory of Victor Ng, a tree will be planted in the Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area by McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes, Chapel of the Bells, 2720 Centre Street North, Calgary, AB T2E 2V6, Telephone: 403-243-8200.

lephone: 403-243-8200.


Funeral Service

10:00 am
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Chapel of the Bells
2720 Centre St N
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(403) 276-2296

Graveside Service

Graveside Service to follow at Queen’s Park Mausoleum.


Reception to follow in the China Palace Restaurant (6219 Centre St NW, Calgary, AB, T2K 3R4)
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Ching Hung (Victor)