Fond memories of good times with Anna and her family. She was never without a smile.
Anna was a kind and considerate lady. She raised a wonderful family.
Paul Norrie
To: Andrea, Ron, and the family
Please accept our heart felt condolences for the loss of your mother.
She was such a talented artist.
She was such a wonderful baker/cook.
She was such a gentle soul.
Ruhe in Frieden Mrs Hindemith.
Jenny and John
Liebe Andrea, lieber Ron und Familie,
unsere Familie hat die Nachricht von Annis Tod sehr betroffen gemacht.
In diesen schweren Stunden möchten wir euch unser tief empfundenes Beileid aussprechen.
Wir werden Anni immer tief in unserem Herzen tragen. Wir erinnern uns gern an die Stunden, die wir mit ihr und Karl-Heinz gemeinsam bei ihnen zu Hause und in Dresden verbringen durften. Wir sind dafür sehr dankbar.
Christl Weber mit den Kindern Uwe, Andreas, Niels und Constanze
To Andrea, Ron and the family,
We are very sorry for the loss of your mother...
We always called her "Mrs. Hindemith" (even though we're old enough to have called her "Anna"!) because she was such a gracious and generous woman who we respected very much.
And even though we weren't part of the immediate family, she always included us in their her BBQs and Christmas dinners whenever we were visiting Calgary.
May she rest peacefully now with your father.
Janice, George and Alex
To Ron, Andrea and family
We send our sincere condolences on the passing of Anni. We knew her for many years and often saw both Anni and Karl-Heinz at St. Boniface church and visited over coffee after Mass. She was a talented artist and her cakes were the best, especially the Schwarzwälderkirschtorte.
Rest in peace, Anni
George and Hannelore Krapp
We are very sad and we would like to express our deepest sympathy for the loss of your mom and your grandmother.
Heartfelt condolences to the whole family especially to Andrea and Ron.
Our family has so many wonderful memories with Anni, it was always something special when she visited her relatives in Germany, sharing a good and happy time together.
She had a particulary close relationship with our father, they always had a lot to tell each other about their shared childhood and youth.
We will always remember Anni as a generous, humorous and very kind person.
Our thoughts are with you in this difficult and painful times, even though we are seperated by a vast ocean.
Erika mit
Claudia, Monika und Tobias aus Leonberg
Wir sind sehr betroffen von Annis Heimgang. Wir haben sehr viele schöne Erinnerungen an unsere gemeinsame Zeit. Ihre Besuche in Deutschland waren immer schön und lustig. Unsere Besuche in Canada waren geprägt von ihrer phantastischen Gastlichkeit, ihren Koch - und Backkünsten. Sie war so stolz auf ihr schönes gepflegtes Haus, ihren wunderbaren Garten. In den vielen Setzkästen, die so viele Wände schmückten, verbargen sich kleine Schätze. Mit Karl-Heinz hatte sie einen wunderbaren Mann gefunden, mit dem sie bis zu seinem Tod eine innige Liebe verband. Auch die Beziehung zu ihrer Cousine Elly war eine besonders enge und freundschaftliche. So wollen wir sie in Erinnerung behalten... Lebhaft, humorvoll und immer gerne gebend.
Wir trauern mit Ron und Andrea und ihren Familien und sind ihnen in unseren Herzen sehr verbunden.
Eure Leonberger Familie
Elly und Erich
mit Angelika und Peter mit Familien
Mit Gaby und Ralph mit Familien
Wir behalten Anni als sehr herzlichen und lebensfrohen Menschen in Erinnerung.
Unsere Gedanken sind bei Euch allen.
In tiefer Trauer
Rainer & Beate
Oma's cakes were da bomb. She always had a smile on her face. Loved spending time with her when I had the chance. Say hi to Opa for us. Rest in peace oma.
Ron and Andrea, I'm so sad to see that your mom has passed. She was always a warm, loving woman to me when I visited your parent's home back in the '70s and '80s. She will be missed.
Our sympathies to Ron & Saletta Hindemith and Andrea and Andrew Norrie and families on the passing of your beloved mother/grandmother. Growing up next to the Hindemith’s was an amazing experience and the kindness and compassion from Annie when Ron and I were getting up to our usual teenage hijinks was always a relief. Her baking skills were amazing and she always was busy with her art or her collecting and was always so proud of her family. I know she is at peace and reunited with Carl in heaven and can perhaps visit the Red Lion pub and catch up finally with my parents. All our love and support, Cari and David Middleton
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