Ciao Zia ❤️
Ti abbraccio fortemente con tenerezza ed amore.
Ti ringrazio per la delicatezza e per la tua
generosità .
Che la terra ti sia lieve.
Con amore Elisabetta Ermini .
Hard to find words to describe this amazing woman.
She could put her hand to anything. Wasn’t afraid to work hard and did jobs of men and women. She had endless energy and love. She was a true friend to me and my family. Helped me bring up my kids. Was godmother to my daughter and lifelong friend to my family.
We will miss her but hold strong to the memories of her and keep her close to our hearts always.
Anne Wereszczynski
Zia Anna has always been an important part of my life. She’s an important person in my earliest memories. She loved and cared for everyone in her life and it didn’t matter if they were related or not. She embraced life with love. Her boundless energy and enthusiasm was contagious! She was the one to introduce me to the art of cross-stitch, and I’ll always treasure that! My little Zia will be forever in my memories and my heart! Love, Rosanna
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