Twelve years ago I started regular workouts with Brandon. He had a way of making physical fitness fun and I always looked forward to our workouts, even the 7 am ones. He often used the phrase “there are rules” if I slowed down, didn’t want to complete a set or required number of reps. To this day, I still hear him saying “there are rules” when I get lazy during my workout routine.
We always had wonderful conversations during our sessions, a recent one involved him befriending a family of skunks who frequented his yard. He built heated shelters for them to protect them from the cold. Stories about his family and of course his beloved cats were always told.
Mandy, you raised a polite, kindhearted and enthusiastic man. He lived life to the fullest. Donovan, he loved the time you spent together; you were not only brothers, you were friends. My deepest condolences to you, Brandon was one of a kind and will be terribly missed.
I am devastated by hearing today of the tragic passing of Brandon.
I worked with him through personal training for many years and remained his friend years after.
To Brandon’s family - I am so sorry for your loss of this remarkable man.
Nancy Daniels
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