We wish to offer our condolences for Auntie Marg’s passing. We have such fond memories of her smile and laugh. She loved having fun with family. Please aceept our love and best wishes to all the family.
Love David and Verena
PS, Unfortunately we will not be able to attend as we have another funeral to attend this weekend. But our thoughts will be there with you all.
Very sorry to hear of Aunt Margarets passing. I have nothing but wonderful thoughts and memories of a caring, loving woman who would help anyone and for whom her family was everything. She lived life well. Thinking of you all. Love Donna
Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Aunt Margaret was such a wonderful and caring woman she will be deeply missed.
“I know for certain that we never lose people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. There love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love”. Leo Buscaglia
Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow.
Love Steve & Joanne
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