I was very sadden to find this page. I worked with Erik for 8 yrs of my life at Heritage Mushrooms. 1988-1996. I always looked at Erik as an example to follow. a true master of his trade. Erik did things the oldschool way. his knowledge came from experience. he inspired me throught out my working career. iam now a Master Roaster in the coffee industry. i always wanted to track Erik down and share a cup of my coffee with him. sadly that day never happend. Erik was also someone i could talk to. during some rough times in the mushrooming days Erik was the man i could sit down with and talk about it. he showed a compassion and understanding that no others seemed to. I thank Erik for that.
Erik was a true master and a Gentleman.
My condolences to Eriks family.
We are lost for words. We had no idea Erik that we had lost you until we received a phone call early this morning. Rest in Peace. Dorit and family, sorry we are not there for you but have not stopped thinking about you since the day we heard Erik was sick. He was a wonderful man and a great friend and our family will miss him very much. So many wonderful meals and so much time spent together and none will be forgotten.
Dorit, I give you all my LOVE. I wish you all the best. You hang in there girl. Janet (my Mom), Sally and myself wish you the best to get over this. We think of you often. Take care of yourself.
Adaire, (mom) & amp; Sally.
I will remember always Erik’s wide smile of welcome when we would meet, the Joy and laughter shared in the years since we met and the toast he gave at our wedding in 1991 as our best man. I will miss him. Nancy
Erik was always there to see me through many of life’s challenges. He is missed but always remembered.
To Dorit & all of Erik’s family::We all certainly appreciate what is now “gone” with the passing of Erik…You can be very proud of what he was as a “man”. He certainly was a terrific person to be around and visit with!! I am happy to have known him & Dorit–Let us all pray that he is where he certainly deserves to be..In Heaven with our God & all his Angels and Saints!! Goodbye Erik….You certainly do deserve the best!!!!…..Bechi/Herman (The brother of Rose).
Kære Dorit
Det var et chok for mig at læse, at Erik er gået bort. Det er ret ufatteligt. Mine tanker går til dig og dine børn med stor medfølelse. Jeg håber vi kan holde forbindelsen ved lige, så vi stadig kan deltage i hinandens liv. Kærlig hilsen Anne-Lise
Kære Dorit! Vore tanker er hos Dig og børnene. Vi tænker på alle de dejlige ture sammen med jer i Canada/USA.Det er dejlige minder.Vi ved at Du har en god og stærk familie, Du kan støtte dig til i tiden fremover.Vi mindes Erik med kærlighed og glæde – Ære være hans minde. Kærlig hilsen fra Ellen (Kusine) og Jørgen samt børn.
Kære Dorit.
Det gør mig ondt at erfare dit tab af Erik. Tænker på jer i denne svære tid.
Kærligst Lise-Lotte
Sincere condolences from our family to yours. We remember some lovely times visiting with your folks in Canmore, and your dad was always such a cheerful and kind person.
It was a great shock to read in the Echo that Eric had passed away. I always enjoyed stopping and talking with him. Our condolences go out to his wife Dorit and family.
We have shared many pleasant times with Erik over the years. We have lost a caring friend in Erik and will miss him.
Hej kære Dorrit har lige fået beskeden det gør mig ondt og det er meget underligt tænkte meget på jer her forleden og nu denne besked det er jeg meget ked af jeg håber vi kan tales ved og holde kontakten kærlig hilsen
Kæreste Dorrit & Fætre, kusiner.
Mine kærligste tanker går til jer i denne tid og tiden efter.
Det er svært at sætte ord på. Så mange minder dukker allerede op. Erlingsvej – jeg der passede jeres børn. Henning & hørdis besøg i Canada hos jer og ikke mindst jeres sidste besøg her hos os i dannevang.
Det er godt at vide at I er en dejlig fast tømret familie der passer på hinanden. kæreste kusine Dorrit, det gør mig så ondt for dig & dine.
Kærligste tanker og masser af kærlighed fra Dorthe
There are no words that express our saddness that we feel with the loss of our dear friend, your husband, father and grandfather, Eric. The times over the past 35 years we shared with Eric will never be forgotten. They were always full of laughter, good food and wine. Our friendship held fast and true over the years and distance. We did not vist as often as we should have but the yearly visits where very special. You always shared in our joys and sorrows through out all those years. We will miss you our dear friend. Godspeed
It was with shock and sadness when I read of Erik’s passing in the paper. He lived just behind my store, and bought his wine kits from me. He was always a smiling, gracious man & I always enjoyed the times he spent in the store. He enjoyed attending our Limited Edition wine tastings every November and always placed an order! My sincere sympathy to the family — he will be missed by so many. RIP, Erik. xo
I was so saddened to hear of the loss of Erik. I have so many wonderful memories of him from the time I was little, and every time we crossed paths he always made me smile with his jovial attitude. I am thankful to have known him.
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