The news would come that Uncle Larry was coming to town and we would clear our calendars because we always knew that something fun was going to happen. Whether it was icecream, dinners or the endless stories he could tell so well, we always enjoyed his visits. Time goes by much too quickly and distance keeps us apart, but please know that our thoughts and prayers are with each of you as you go through this difficult time.
Heather and Scott
Rita and family;
I want you to know I am thinking of you all at this hard time. I know you have many happy memories of good times together.
I am still at the lake in BC so won’t be at the Celebration of life for Larry.
Marian Hay
I worked for Larry in 1957 in Whitehorse.
I enjoyed that summer and Larry kept me out of trouble there and in other endeavours in Alberta in the 60’s.
I often thought of him and last seen him in Calgary in 2008.
My condolences to you Rita and his close family.
I always enjoyed when Larry visited. He would listen to our sailing stories very intently. When we were finished he would tell us of the accolades of the western Carey’s. I still go to the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame to see his name and picture on the wall. My condolences to you all.
Joe, Micheline, Kristin, Mike and Melissa
For Larry – an old Gaelic blessing
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
Please accept my deepest condolences, my thoughts will be with you on Sunday.
I was sorry to learn of Larry’s death – he was a wonderful man and you’ll miss him. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, Rita and family. Sincerely, Barbara Demers
We knew when Uncle Larry was coming to Shediac that there would be lots of ice cream to be had — no matter how many of us there were (and sometimes there were lots of us), he’d round us all up and off we’d go. Rita, you and Larry were also very kind to me when I was living in Calgary and I want to express my deepest sympathy to you and Jim, Miriam, Anne and David and all of your families. My thoughts are with you all.
We were sorry to hear about Larry’s passing but are glad that he is now free of pain. In addition to being one of my dad’s respected colleagues at Montreal Engineering, Larry was a notable figure in our family life – always ready for a great debate and lots of laughs. Our thoughts and love are with you all. Margaret, Alice and Jim.
Dear Aunt Rita,
Larry was a very special Uncle in our lives and we will remember him fondly.
Larry often came to Shediac Bridge in the summer and loved to take his great nieces and nephews for ice cream. He had a very good system; he would be first in line and get an ice cream for himself, eat it quickly, then go to the end of the line so he could get a second one before he would pay the bill. On one occasion he had 13 people to buy for (including me) and managed to get three ice creams for himself by getting into the middle of the line as well as both ends.
Jeannette and I will be with you all in our thoughts this Sunday.
Pat and Jeannette
Dear Rita – -we’re very sad to read of Larry’s passing and offer our condolences! For quite a few years I (Laurie) looked forward to a regular Saturday golf game with Larry, LLoyd Flood, Roy Brooks and Keith Goodman! Those were good times and Larry always demonstrated good cheer – a competitive spirit and a singular ability to create competitions, such as the winner buys the soup! Larry had a remarkable physical constitution and always insisted on walking the golf course even in the most inclement weather! In our company he always seemed to enjoy food, drink, bridge and life to the utmost and it’s sad that in the last year or so because of health problems he was so restricted.
We know he loved you and his family and his passing will create a real void in all of your lives as well as in ours!
Most Sincerly
Laurie and Joan Bowes.
Dear Rita,
Helga and I were deeply saddened to learn that Larry had passed away. To me, Larry was a shining example of the special people that I had the privilege of working with at Montreal Engineering, especially in my early years with the firm. Always full of encouragement and good humour, not to mention sound engineering sense, I particularly remember my summer spent up at Mayo reporting to Larry when he was the RE at Whitehorse. You were both so hospitable and kind to a slightly bewildered young engineer not long off the boat from the UK. Years later, having a meal and chewing the fat with Larry in Calgary was always something to look forward to during my frequent visits.
Dave Nancarrow
Thinking of you and your family during this most dificult time. We know that you will miss Larry dearly.
He was a wonderful person who was well respected in both our community and the engineering profession for his great contributions over the years.
Our Sincere Sympathy,
Doug and Charlotte Annable
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family , Rita, as you have reached the final step in Larry’s illness. You must take comfort in the fact that you were there for him even if the last few years of your nearly 60 years of marriage were filled with hardships.
August 24, 2011
Dear Rita and family:
We were very sorry to hear from Al and Audrey Stretch about Larry’s death and since we don’t have your current address, this electronic method of condolence will have to do for now. You told us at Christmas that Larry was on regular dialysis. It must have been difficult for you both. As you know, Larry and I go away back, to 1952 to be exact, when he was the resident engineer for the Menihek Power development in Labrador and I was a UNB engineering student working for him as an instrumentman that summer. Our paths crossed again in 1956-58 in Whitehorse when I first met you, Rita, with baby Jim. Of course we met on many other occasions, including your hospitality when we came skiing. Larry was a great mentor and teacher who loved to talk and explain things… sometimes endlessly! So confident and knowledgeable, a valuable company man and friend. Wendy and I send you and your family our sincere sympathy at this difficult time. Tom and Wendy Myles, Ottawa
Please accept my sympathy in the death of your husband, dad and grandfather-Shirley (Ron) Clare
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