Alice will be missed very much in my life. She was one with lots of good advice. Always a get up and go attitude. She was my telephone friend. We talked many times. My last call was just a short time ago, and she would, like always, say before she said goodbye. “LOVE YOU”. That were her last words. I’ll miss her. Gisele is also saddened by the loss of Alice. Alice touched many people.
All the best to her childen. She loved you all…
Earl Gregor, like all of us, is missing Alice very, very much. He is not in the best of mood right now.
Audrey Gregor, says that Alice was a GREAT sister. She cared for everyone. She listened, she gave advice. She showed lots of feeling.
Alice and Wally were two people who enveloped everyone they met with love and friendship. We remember fondly our times of comradeship at the Legion and how full of life they both were.
We will miss them both and send our deepest condolences to family and friends.
Gone but never forgotten
Alice, We will miss your smile and energy;you were a good friend and mother to us all.
Rest in Peace.
Our symphathy to the Legere family.
Hélène & Art Caroline
Another shining spark has left our family. We take comfort in knowing that Auntie Alice’s discomforts are over. She so loved &, in turn, was so loved by her family and that was a comfort she took with her in passing. She is now with Uncle Walter, Mom & Dad and the other ones she loved in life who have left us. Another star is twinkling on high and it’s name is Alice. She will be missed. She’s the best Auntie Alice I ever had!
Auntie Alice will be missed by the many people whose lives she touched. She was generous with her time and compassion. Her energy, intellect and humor combined with her deep devotion to family and friends is an inspiration and I have many treasured memories of her that will keep her spirit alive.
Many condolences. I wish your family peace.
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