Dear Marie and family,
Often as I have been far away I have thought so often of the friendship of a man …Gary Gay a man that was such a friend to me and was such a believer in my work as a photographer. He always gave me a smile and a positive word. Gary just believed in the best for people he just naturally supported your very soul. Somehow you knew him the minute you met him and you felt he cared about you that instant. He will always be a friend that could never be replaced. I was coming to your area and was looking Gary up on the net when I discovered his passing just today.
My heartfelt thoughts go out to you at this time. I will never foget the glow in his eyes when he saw the photos I did of the Michelle and Marni, he was just pure Gary ..with a smile and twinkle … ” My they’re just excellent and he was inviting me to your home in the next breath.” So began many times of talking of Art, Business and MASH. When I think of Calgary I think of Gary Gay, a man who made a difference… in my life. I would like to leave you with 2 quotes that represent what Gary meant to me.
“None can teach admirably if not loving his task” -A. Bronson Alcott Gary loved to teach in any moment and when you saw the point his smile would lite the room. So satisfied he had open this gateway of thinking for you.
” Teach the art of living well” Seneca
Gary taught me much of looking at life just ahead and it’s possibilities and believing in me he open my mind to endless life advantages seen only to those who will dare to think.
The greeks did not want to know how long a man lived or even how rich he was but rather did he live with Passion and pass it on …. Thanks Gary for your passion for Art and Thinking!
May peace be with you Marie and the girls at this time.
Dear Marie and family,
It has been years since I last saw you or Gary. I am so sorry for your great loss. Gary was a mentor and professional friend to me in my early years of teaching. I will always remember his commitment to children and youth and to life-long learning.
My most sincere condolences,
Marie I was sorry to read of Gary’s passing, I remember he would always visit you at St Philip, what a kind and thoughtful guy.
I’m unable to attend his Mass today but my thoughts and prayers will be with you, Michelle , Marni and their families.
God Bless,
Marie, Gail, and Family
Our condolences on the passing of Gary,
Mona and Bing
Marie, I was saddened to read of Gary’s passing. I still think of the many hours we spent together on Clover unit watching hockey games or just simply sitting and talking, you with Gary and me with my mother, Ellamae. They were the good times during the hard times.
My condolences go out to you and your family.
Marie: Gary’s “fight with infirmity” is over. Bless you and the family for hanging in there. Gary and I shared many great days growing up at Duchess. His vim, vigor, humor and wisdom were always appreciated. May the good Lord give you His care and strength as you adjust to this new phase of life.
Marie and Family
Gary will be missed by one and all.
Marcel and Linda Boisvert
Laurie Hnatiuk
Dear Marie and Family,
I would like to extend to you my deepest condolences and sympathy in the passing of your good husband Gary. Gary was a and still is ( in his new home) and remarkable man who influenced a lot of people for the better. I will always remember and happily so, the time we spent as fellow teachers. Whatever Gary touched in education became better. He was a great leader. Death is hard for us all to understand except for those who have experienced it. But life goes on in the spirit world and just think he is free of all pain, sorrow and adversity. When you meet again it will be a happy reunion for you both and your children. Perhaps this little poem can explain better than I what death really is:
Sun and mountain meet
“Look,” I say
But I forgot
That far away
An islander
Wipes morning
From his eyes
And watches
The same sun
What’s birth?
And death?
What’s near
Or far?
It all depends
On where you are.
Marie I wish you and your families all of God’s most choice and consoling blessings at this time of sorrow and sadness. May God bless and keep you. Sincerely Noel E. Crapo
We are so sorry to read about Gary’s passing. He was well known as a fine and dedicated educator. He gave much time to the Canadian College of Teachers always in the interests of promoting better education for all. His illness was difficult but he faced it with dignity.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Bill and Felicia Melnyk
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