Mr Lombardo was my foreman for a year and was kind and understanding. He gave me a break when the other foremen and superintendent were trying to get rid of me any way they could. He probably took a lot of flak from them but he trusted me and I in turn didn’t let him down. I owe Mr Lombardo a lot.
Gentile famiglia Lombardo,
In queste occasioni non si sa mai cosa dire. Qualsiasi parola appare vuota di senso di fronte ad un dolore così grande. Le mie più sentite condoglianze, per la perdita.
Cara Nancy, Lorenza mi ha detto della scomparsa del tuo babbo.Sono Beatrice, assieme a Lorenza e Cristina, sono venuta vostra ospite in Canada, ricordi? Invio un forte abbraccio a tutti voi, in particolare un bacio a zia Maria.Con affetto Beatrice from Italy.
We were sorry to hear the news of Guy’s passing. He used to walk by our house #6320 and stop to chat about whatever yard project we were working on, definitely drawing on his experience! We always enjoyed our conversations with such a fine gentlemen. Our thoughts are with you.
We are very far from you all, but we are really close with our hearts, zio Generoso you will always be in our memories. A big hug to you all from Lorenza, Enzo, Giannina and Giuseppe.
God Bless You.
Our sincerest condolences we send to the family of Mr. Lombardo. He was one of the finest gentlemen I have ever met. May the Lord watch over him and all of you. Your father will always be in our hearts and in our prayers.
From the Muzzo and Russo Families
The Vona-Jackson family express our deepest sympathies to the loss of zio Generso. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. May you rest in peace zio Generso.
Our entire family send you our deepest sympathy on the passing of your father.
To the Lombardo family,
We were very saddened to hear of Mr. Lombardo’s passing. He was always a very vivacious and wonderful man. Nancy and I worked together at the Zoo back in the day and her Dad the Parks foreman. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Take comfort in the wonderful memories.
Dina (Mattucci), Vito, Adam and Anthony Mancini and Domenic Mattucci.
To the Lombardo and Picone families, our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find comfort in the memories.
Luigi, Joyce, Elisea, Maria-Giovanna
To the Lombardo Family —
We offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Guy.
May he rest in peace.
Henry and Mairead Sattler,
Thornaby Way N.W.
Dear Aurelio and Susy and all family members.
We wish to extend our deepest sympathy in the passing of your father. May good memories give you peace.
Thinking of you
Sincerely Grant Clark & Bill Penner
Dear Nancy. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish you and your family peace and strength.
Marguerite Piechotta (Schoolmate, St. Francis High School)
Dear Nancy & family,
I’m so sorry to hear about your Father’s passing. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Call me any time if you need to talk.
Your childhood friend Linda.
dall’Italia e precisamente dalla città di Ravenna, le nipoti Anna e Lorenza Faraldo, con le rispettive famiglie, abbracciano e sono vicine in questo triste momento alla famiglia Lombardo
To Aurelio, Susy et al
At this time of sorrow, our prayers and thoughts are with you
May God give you comfort, memories help you cope
Deepest condolences
To The Lombardo Family:
Please accept our sympathy for the loss of Compare Generoso. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. He was a kind, and generous man who was instrumental in making our move to Canada a success. We will always be grateful and thankful for knowing him. He will never be forgotten.
The De Fazio Family
Guy was my foreman @ The Calgary Zoo during the summers of 77/78. He was the best. He took me shopping for my first work boots and gave me my first Hard Hat. I wore them both with pride. I have often thought of him over the years.
It sounds like he had a good life; a generous heart and a loving Family. God Bless you all in this time of sorrow and know that he is remembered fondly by those who had the privilage to work with him.
My Sincere Condolences Kerry Toole
We are very saddened to hear about the loss of Generoso.There are not enough words to say how you feel right now. Just remember all the good memories that you had with him. May he rest in peace.
Paolo and Giuseppina De Minico
Nancy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. “June 2, 1923 – January 20, 2011” reflect your dad’s birth and passing, but his wonderful life is contained in the ‘dash’ that separates these dates. May the peace which comes from these memories comfort you now and in the days ahead.
God bless you.
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