Hey Nonno I was watching TV tonight and just was thinking of you. I know you are looking down on us! I will always miss you and even though its been 2 years since your passing I still take it emotionally sometimes. I know you were 90 years old however when someone related to you is not around anymore it leaves an emptiness in the heart that no one can fill. I hope you are with Nonna and keeping her company. I also hope you are with Mark and Christopher my brothers. On your second year anniversary of your passing I went to bed at 11:30 however could not get to sleep because I kept thinking of you. So I went into my moms room and took the DVD video that was showed at your funeral prayers and watched it and enjoyed all the memories I got from spending my life with you. Unfortunately for Nonna it ended shorter then we thought and she never got to see me now that I am 17. However I know you guys look down on us. I hope you guys are watching down on uncle Norbert and uncle Wally and help guiding them and keeping them safe. I love you Nonno and Nonna and Mark and Christopher and not a day passes without me thinking of you guys. You will always be in my heart!
Ti amo, ti penzo sempre ed ti penzaro per sempre. Non vedo il ora che ci ritroviamo insieme. Tu hai sempre stato il mio Babbo, il mio amico, il mio maestro ed il mio companio di la caccia. Quando vado ha fare la caccia, affacciati che io ti aspetto. Noi due siamo una squadra insieme.
Tuo figlio sempre
Walter Crescentino
We are sorry to hear about your loss of Aldo. Our deepest regrets.
He was one of the best grandpa’s every. I will miss you grandpa, and I hope you went to heaven. I hope you have reunited with grandma Elisa. I will pray for you guys all my life.
Sorry to hear about your father Aldo.
I have many fond memories from days gone by.
The best was at Anna’s wedding reception and I still hold the vision of Aldo holding a rifle (his weapon of choice) giving Ron fair warning to be good to his girl.
Couldn’t help but love him.
We know he is in heaven. He was as much a saint as your mother Elisa.
Our condolences,
Ivan, Mona and Sara
Norbert, Anna, Walter and Family,
We are very sorry to hear of the loss of your father. We will always remember his positive attitude and cheerful smile he had whenever we saw him.
With Sincere Sympathy,
Jerry, Franca, and Lindsey DeGusti
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