condoglianze da parte degli zii Maria e Luigi è passato un po di tempo ma l’importante è essere vicini,un caro saluto a tutti voi,con affetto.
Dear Frankie, Oscar and Cathy,
Such saddness, to lose your mother, I can only hope you remember her with fondness. I have numerous memories of Maria, while she lived just two doors from Luigi and Teresa. She was a great friend in that neighbourhood and all three of my children, Danille, Marina and Adam, recall with much fondness the morning coffee sessions with your mom. It was a great adventure for them to walk to Maria’s ‘all by themselves’ to delive a message from Nonna. And Maria would wait for them at the gate, just in case they may get abducted walking two doors down. You mother is in many of the photos we now treasure, and we hope you also have many you can look upon to stir the loving memories.
With my deepest considerations,
Valeria Lazzaretto
Cathy, Oscar, Frank, and families,
It was with great sadness that I heard of the passing of Maria. She was a former neighbour of my Nonna, and someone about whom I have cherished fond memories since I was young. To me she was, and always will be, “Zia Maria.” I think very fondly of the time I spent with her as a child. Nonna was also very sorry to hear the news, and expresses her condolences.
Though I was unable to attend the funeral, have kept you all, and Zia Maria, too, in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Frank, Oscar, Cathy & Families,
It is with much sadness that we extend our condolences to you at this time of loss. Your mother was a dear friend. We will always cherish fond memories of her.
Your friends,
Maria, Norman, Norie, Mark & Patrick
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, sincere condolence.
John and Linda Mazzuca
vi siamo vicini con affetto Virginia e tutta la famiglia Turcato.
Maria Turcato Family:
Please accept our condolences in the passing of your mom/grandmother, Maria. May you find comfort in memories and strength in each other’s love throughout this very difficult time. Sincerely George, Mary, GLenn & Cory Varzari, Lethbridge, AB.
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