Dear Harvey Family,
We are sorry that Mr. Harvey has passed away. We remember his kindness. I also remember Mr. Harvey’s sense of humour (and how he did not mind when I laughed sometimes at things he said that were not intended to be humorous!).
One of my favorite memories of Mr. Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, and Doris was at our cabin in Windermere. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey were in the lake, beaming as they talked and swam. “They love the water,” said Doris, smiling.
We wish you all the best in the days ahead.
Kira Lyttik and family
My sympathy to you and your family from the Daisley family.
I would love to hear from you either by email or you can call 604-433-1005.
Dear Arlene – We are sorry to hear that your Father has passed away. Please accept our most sincere condolences. We’ve been thinking about how long and difficult your journey home from Bogota must have been for you. Please be assured that we will pray for you, for Ian and for your entire family as you work through these days of many details, much remembrance and progressive grief.
With love from, Marinus and Georgina †
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