It was with grest sadness I read of
Alma’s passing.
As a young Scottish immigrant and new to
retail as well in the Simson-Sears store
in Saint John nb in 1965, Alma showed
what a class act she was with her
patience and her kindness to me. I’ll
never forget her for this.
There’s a new star in the sky to-night.
Al and family: Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
We were so sorry to read in the Telegraph about your mother’s passing.
Our thoughts are with you.
Glen and Donna
I think that at whatever age you are losing a loved parent makes you feel vulnerable.
My heart and prayers are with you. CB
Allen and David: Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are blessed in having many happy and pleasant memories of your mother (and father too — as well as you two boys, of course.) Love: Dorcas and Don
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. What a special, elegant lady she was. I feel blessed to have had an opportunity to say goodbye and will treasure the memories. Take care
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