Estimada familia Garcia: Nos dio mucha pena no poder asistir al funeral y acompa~arles en estos tristes momentos. Coincidio que estabamos fuera de Calgary.
Siempre recordaremos la alegria que tuvimos al encontrarnos en Bowness Park despues de tantos a~os.
Reciban el mas sentido pesame de estos viejos amigos.
Jose y Emilia Morros
Dear Carmen, Jack, and the rest of Vincent’s family,
Our thoughts are with you. We want to offer our condolences on your loss.
Bonnie and Richard from 21st St.
Dear Kirsten and Emerald, My thoughts are with you. There are so many memories of your Dad in my house, including the wonderful deck he built 30 years ago which is still perfect. I remember how much he enjoyed fresh, well prepared food, especially if it came from the sea. You have been blessed to have a Dad to be proud of.
Pam Oliver
Dear Emerald and Kirsten
I am sorry to hear about the passing of your father. I will be in Kelowna at Mike’s summer home and Mike and family are there too.
They have twin boys 6 years old. Loreen has just changed jobs and she left for England today for two weeks work.
I will not be able to be with all of you but I have great memories of your Mom and Dad as such good neighbors in Canyon Meadows..
Perhaps if you are both living in Calgary we will see you at another time. Loreen’s name is now Cane [husband Greg] and she will be home about Aug. 15th.
Ph 402 228 0957 and my ph is 403 295 9556. Take care of each other as your dad would want you to do .
Mary Mansfield and family
To Kirsten and the Garcia Family, we would like to send our deepest condolences for your loss, and hope that the days to come will brighten with the fond memories. My wife and I may not know Mr. Garcia, but Kirsten’s description of a brave, fun loving man will always resonate, and everyone is the poorer with his passing. Our best wishes to you all. Terrence & Wing Kie Lo
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