Hi, my mom passed on the news of your loss. So sorry to hear of this. I have such great memories of Ted, letting us hang out at “Joyner’s” and always having a smile ready. He took Kelly and I skiing in Jasper and I will never forget that. It was the first time this Saskatchewan girl ever saw mountains! Take care.
Jay, we have just learned of the loss of a great, humourous, cousin, your dad. Al and I are saddened at the loss of Ted. We were just speaking last week of your parents wedding in Calgary, even through the ceremony, he had us many years ago. We also spoke of your parents’ visit in N. Vanc so many years ago. We have been talking about the loss of contact of, and the loss of family. Life just goes by too quickly. Please know that we are thinking of you.
Kelly, Jay, and families,
My condolences on your loss. Thinking of you and of fond memories of Wally.
To my first of only two employers in Moose Jaw – I humbly thank you for all the beautiful memories of being a staff member at Joyners. My thoughts and prayers are with Ted’s family at this time. A special hug to Kelly from Amaena.
Kelly, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much he meant to you. I am thinking of you and playing my harp for him. Miss you.
Just read in the Moose Jaw Times Herald of Ted’s passing! We have wonderful memories of great times with Ted over the years and our daughter worked in the store for a summer period. We send our Best Wishes to the Family ….. We know that Ted will be greatly missed.
Jay, Kelly and families, our deepest sympathy on the passing of your beloved dad, Ted. He was a very unique individual and I have fond memories of working at Joyners in the Cash Box and later the office with him. Even after selling the store, he was always warm and friendly. We hope he enjoyed good health and life up to the end. May he rest in peace.
Thinking of you,
Carolyn and Jan Swanson, Moose Jaw
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